
Public Health Effects Of Distracted Driving

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When one thinks of a public health issue, often times individuals immediately think of topics revolving around certain diseases or areas of health that are difficult to counteract such as obesity, smoking, or eating healthy. However, public health issues not only involve areas that affect the biological side of ones health, but also the overall well being of others lives, including life and death. These lives are not affected directly due to specific genetics or actions caused by other biological affects but due to the physical actions and habits of others and ones self. This is recognized in the public health issue of distracted driving, specifically texting and driving. Through the increased concern of texting and driving, individuals are …show more content…

This is due to the fact that it is not a medical issue in which possible medical specialists or medicines can offer alternatives. Instead, this public health epidemic is caused by the personal habits and decisions made by drivers themselves. Thus, to address and provide possible solutions, it requires the active participation of those partaking in texting and driving themselves. It requires a desire to respect others lives and the law. Distracted driving has three aspects; including visual, manual, and cognitive actions or decisions made by an individual behind the wheel” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). All of these forms of distracted driving are incorporated into the use of texting and driving by taking eyes off of the road, removing hands off of the wheel, and taking ones mind off of the act of driving completely. This public health issue demonstrates a clear challenge to be addressed in providing not only education of the need for change but also the implementation of …show more content…

As texting and driving involves specific actions to take place, researchers have narrowed in studies to focus on specific behavioral and psychological factors that cause such an increase in this public health issue. Research has shown that behavioral motivation plays a key role in the decision to text and drive. According to Seiler (2015), “people who use their mobiles when they are bored are more likely to text while driving than people who do not use them when bored” (75). These behavioral actions are also observed through research evidence in conjunction with sociological behavior. “Sociologically, people are more likely to text while driving when they regularly see other friends and family members texting while driving or even using the mobile in a dangerous manner while driving without negative consequences” (Seiler, 2015, p. 73). These behaviors often become normalized, as the behaviors become experiences that occur everyday with people that equally internalize that this action is just a norm of driving. Overall, the sense and need for constant connection has been found to directly associate with texting and driving. According to Seiler (2015), this is a “particularly critical point for policymakers and technology developers, as it helps explain why

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