Rain Water Problems

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Abstract— Environmental issues is one of the problem that most countries have to deal with nowadays. One of the environmental problems is issue related to water resources. Water that is too excessive in rainy season and lack of water in dry season is the two contrary water resource issues that often arise. Rainwater is a water resource that is often overlooked. With properly manage and utilize, rainwater will provide many benefits in both financial and environmental terms. Rainwater can be harvested, stored and then used again when needed. To be able to utilize the rainwater, it is necessary to assess the quality and quantity of the rainwater that will be used for potable water use. The rainwater can still be used for nonpotable needs such …show more content…

Due to limited land supply, regional development often does not pay attention to the region sustainability. Excessive exploitation of land led to environmental damage, one of which related to water resources. Problems in water resources are the difference between the extreme conditions of the rainy season and dry season. Rainwater in the rainy season is often regarded as a problem that causes flooding. On the other side, in dry season, the lack of clean water is one major issue. One way that can be taken to overcome these problems is to reuse the rainwater. The volume of unused runoff can be utilized to meet the needs of water in the dry season and prevent the occurrence of flooding in the rainy season. In the developing countries, the availability of clean water is needed. The clean water shortage can be replaced by rainwater [1]. The system that could be used to utilize the rainwater is to harvest rainwater, or better known as rainwater harvesting …show more content…

Rainwater is water that evaporates due to the heat and the condensation process to form larger drops of water then falls back to the earth 's surface. At the form of water vapor there is a transport process of water vapor by the wind towards certain areas that will occur rain [9]. At the time of the transport process the water vapor mixed and dissolved with oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, dust, and other compounds so that rainwater can be easily contaminated by dust, bacteria, and various compounds contained in the air. The environmental conditions affected the rainwater quality.
Rainwater contains more gas than groundwater, especially the content of CO2 and O2. Rainwater usually does not contain mineral salts, toxic substances, or any substances that may interfere with health, so basically, clean rainwater can be used as drinking water. In order for the rainwater can be drunk, the water must meet the standards requirements of drinking water according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 492/ Meknes/PER/IV/2010. Rainwater must meet the requirements of physical, chemical, biological as follows

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