The Importance Of Records Management Practices

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Adu (2014) affirmed that the service provided by records management is vital to any institution, and to every information-using employee in it. Its primary function is to facilitate the free flow of records through an institution, to ensure that information is rapidly available where and when it is needed. To carry out this function needs an efficient, effective records management programme. By helping the users to do their jobs better and more easily, the records manager serves the institution. Given that an organization’s records are unique to it, they need to be managed explicitly, just as the organization would manage its other resources (people, money and estate). Records management systems and procedures should facilitate compliance with …show more content…

In some cases, long-standing paper-based procedures have not been adapted to reflect advances in technology. Obviously, colleges and universities have to address compliance mandates. And in order to process work efficiently, institutions need to be able to manage student, administrative, and back-office records (DocFinity, 2016). Records management practices includes, records creation, records inventory, filing plans, retention schedules, records storage and records disposal/destruction. According to Iron -Mountain (2005), it is important that organizations have good records management practices in place for all media across all business units. These practices should feed into a comprehensive and consistently applied records management master plan. Records management fundamentals have been tried and proven to be true, processes and workflows have been formed for greater efficiencies and less exposure, and best practices have evolved to cover the many integral aspects of proper records management. These best practices are provided here as a practical approach to a comprehensive and compliant records management

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