
Reflection On The NHS Application For NHS

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Although my service record for the last two years at Legend High School may not be very impressive, this NHS application has given me a chance to reflect on the amount of service I have done. I would say some of my personal qualities that I am proud of are integrity and kindness. I have shown leadership in lacrosse and TSA. Finally the small acts of service I have done for others around the school have benefitted the atmosphere at Legend High School and have contributed to the common good. All of these areas make me a good candidate for NHS. Two personal qualities that I am proud of are integrity and kindness. Especially this year, I have started to grow the size of my friend group through kindness. By including everyone, I have started to make acquaintances with many new people. My friends also …show more content…

Another personal quality I am proud of is my integrity. People tend to trust and like people more who stay true to their word. I have established myself as a very honest person. This has gained me a lot of trust between friends and even teachers. These qualities make me qualified for NHS because I believe that honesty is one of the most important qualities that someone can have. It gives you an assurance that someone will do what they give you their word that they will do. Kindness is also important because it is an important quality while interacting with others and will be important during the many NHS service opportunities later this year. These qualities are also important in a strong leader. I have also established myself as a leader in many extracurricular activities as well. During TSA last year, I ran lead on

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