Why Do Starbucks A Bad Habit

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Starbucks gets badmouthed a lot by people who feel it is an unjustifiably expensive bad habit. But, really, a cup of coffee is hardly the end of the world and it is not some Sodom and Gomorrah level of debauchery. Additionally, there is more to Starbucks than just coffee.

But, like any expense, if you do it habitually, it can really add up. Making it a habit

Join Starbucks Rewards Program
This is the single biggest thing you can do to save money on your Starbucks habit. Bonus: It saves you money even if you do not in any way change your habits.

You need to have a Starbucks gift card to join this program. You can buy one with as little as $5 on it and then register the card online for free.

Once you've joined, you get a free drink on your birthday. When you have accumulated enough stars for Gold status, they send you a …show more content…

Enough stars equals another free drink after getting free gift cards.

Learn Your Menu Options
There is more to Starbucks then coffee. Find out what else they sell and see what you like that costs less.

The lists online tend to be unreliable for this sort of information, but asking your barista questions when things aren't too busy can be extremely helpful. You can let them know your budget for that visit and your taste preferences and they can help you get hooked up with something tasty in your price range.

One of the reasons it is better to ask your barista is because prices can change or may vary from place to place. So, getting a list of prices online can result in your going there and being disappointed.

The other thing is that these online lists typically focus on price only. It really doesn't account for personal tastes.

If you are trying to save money, it is galling to get something cheap only to find you won't actually drink it. Talking to your barista can help you find both a price and a taste that you

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