
Salvation Army Compare Contrast Essay

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Making a difference in a community is one of the most important things to do. Anything from blankets to toothpaste can help. In my school they are supporting making a difference by allowing the students to do this. My group had the topic of natural disasters and tried our best to make a difference in a community but it wasn’t our own. For our project we collected 47 coats, hats, scarves, and gloves to donate to a village in Guatemala. This village had recently undergone a natural disaster. The Salvation Army did a project very similar to this. These two projects have differences and similarities.

The first thing these projects have in common is that they have helped communities for the greater good, the good of allocation. They also have the same purpose. This purpose is to help those in need. The way both projects did this was by donating winter clothing items. My project collected hats, coats, gloves, and socks for people who cannot afford them, and The Salvation Army project gave coats to those who could not afford them. Another similarity is the timing. Both projects took place around October. In my project, we …show more content…

My project donates specifically to natural disaster survivors while The Salvation Army project only helped those who could not afford winter clothing. Another difference is location. My project took place in Utah and helped people in Guatemala while The Salvation Army helped those in Rochester, New York. My project also helped both children and adults. The Salvation Army project only helped children and teens. One more difference is that my project was a multiple day collection while The Salvation Army project was only one day. Another difference is my project did not have a list of people receiving items. The Salvation Army required you to sign up for donations. Both of these projects are different and have helped people who need it

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