Shays Rebellion Research Paper

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Shay's Rebellion in 1786 took a while to put down. There was no army to break them up and the system that kept the poor, poor was breaking down through its promised contracts. Then a year later a strong central government was made to put a stop to the rebellions and control the people. This new constitution offered little and exclusive rights as a pacifier to stop further rebellions. Britain and European roots drive in the U.S having an economic interest over freedom. Layers of self-interest are threaded within the Consitution as unnecessary compromises for the rights and liberties given to the excluded. Their self-interest could not be achieved without disrupting a correct and unbiased, balanced government from the beginning. This needs to keep the rich and the poor divided the country and the start of rebellions. These rebellions were merchants fighting the injustices. With every group stopped showing the example of scenting rebels to death would never mute or satisfy the public to accept things as they were. More chaos would continue on. As the country evolves more outrage over being inequality for all, as The Constitution promises, will have to be corrected by new transforming generations of …show more content…

The constitution was written for elites by elites. Men with interests to stay wealthy and keep the peace, gather together with their own concerns and the masses second. The need for a large and central government to control the state override the need for equality for all. Charles Beard said, “The rich must, their own interest either controls the government directly or control the laws by which government operates.” Those who gathered together to defeat a common enemy which was anything stopping their own economic interest. This was the common man with no property, the indentured servant, woman, and certainly not the slave or the

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