Importance Of Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science in the making of intelligent machines or softwares that are very similar to humans. Artificial Intelligence is very efficient because it helps us in many different ways. According to many scientists, there is no accepted definition of the term. This happens primarily in fact that there is little agreement as to what constitutes intelligence. Artificial Intelligent machines are made of pure silicon, quantum computers of hybrid combination of manufactured components, neural tissue, and many other elements. Some common areas of research in AI can be game playing, natural language, understanding and synthesis, computer vision, and problem solving. One area studied is associative concept memory. Others can be human problem solving such as models, which illuminate short-term memory phenomena.

A mathematician and computer scientist John McCarthy created the term of Artificial Intelligence around 1927. The soonest approach to AI is called Symbolic or Classical Artificial Intelligence. It depends on one single and specific theory. …show more content…

AI has an abundant number of potential applications. They extend from the military to the entertainment industry. There are many big establishments, which deal with giant amounts of information coming from AI. Some of them can be hospitals, banks, and insurances. In mining, computers help in the working where conditions are too dangerous for people. In hospitals, machines are very important too. They help with diagnosis, monitor patients, and manage treatments. Computers already can do many things that seem to require some intelligence. They can solve many problems like experts and do much other brilliant stuff. Some things computers can do are geometric analogy intelligence tests, and understand simple drawings and many

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