Short Summary: The Last Prophet And Universal Man

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Chapter three of this book is all about The Prophet and Prophetic Tradition : The Last Prophet and Universal Man. The author believes that the Prophet is the perfection of both human collectivity and individual, the norm of perfect social life and the prototype for the spiritual life. As the Universal Man, he is the perfect total which we are a part and participate. As the Primordial Man, he is the original perfection, full of respect. He was a perfect ruler, judge and leader of men and there were bunch of stories during his lifetime to prove all those. The Prophet did participate in social life in its fullest. He also undergone difficulties like others ; being in the war, having fever, being hated and so on. He was just an ordinary man back then until he got the first …show more content…

The issue of the Prophet for being cruel and for having treating men harshly is not true to be compared to the other Christian king who thrust a sword into the breast of the heart of the soldiers. The Prophet actually practiced the utmost kindness possible and was harsh only with traitors. Even the second shahadah implies by its sound the power, generosity and serenity of reposing in the truth characteristic of the Prophet. To summarize the qualities of Prophet, it can be said that he is human equilibrium which has become extinct in the Divine Truth. The termination of the prophetic cycle doesn’t mean that all possibility contact with the Divine order has ceased as men have the Quran and sunnah to rely upon. Besides, love towards the Prophet is necessary upon all Muslims especially for those who aspire towards the saintly life. To be exact, the Prophet is loved because he symbolizes the harmony and beauty that spread to all things as well as his virtues. To know and feel the presence of the Prophet and the message of the Quran in community, applying of the sunnah and hadith is the only

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