Power Yoga Essay

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Yoga remedies for weight loss
An age-old science, originated around 25 centuries ago in India, which covers all the aspects of the mind and body, has no taken over all of the entire globe. An individual who follows stringent and regular routine of yoga for a good period of time, is sure to lead a comparatively much healthier lifestyle. The science of yoga if known to be effective in bringing overall health and well-being to any person who does it habitually. The concept of yoga and the origination of the word yoga is derived from a Sanskrit verb Yuja, which means to connect, culminate or concur. It leads to the final stage that a human attains when the mind and body works in proper synchronization. This culmination of Jivaand Shiva (soul and the universal spirit) can also be linked to the concept of Yin and Yang.
The science of yoga basically includes the performance of a less rigorous, and much simpler form of exercise that …show more content…

Power Yoga
Power yoga is the level two of Ashtangayoga. It is more vigorous and intense and is also called as a fitness focused version ofvinyasa-style yoga that is breath based movement. The only difference between Ashtangayoga and Power yoga is it doesn’t follow the specific series of poses as one has to do in Ashtanga. Power yoga is more suited for the class of people who practice yoga not just for fitness reasons but also because of spiritual reasons.
3. Birkram
Hot yoga as it is popularly called as, Bikran yoga requires a room with a temperature setting of 95-100 degrees. It includes a number of similarities with Ashtangayoga and comprises of 26 different yoga poses. The physical activity in this type of yoga is also very strenuous and vigorous and the flexibility is a concern too.
The above mentioned types of yoga are most suited for an individual who is looking to reduce weight. But, the most important thing that one needs to keep in mind is that the determination andmotivation to follow the schedule habitually is the

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