
Similarities Between Anthem And Animal Farm

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Some will blindly accept their lack of freedom but others will vehemently fight for their right to pursue happiness, would you? The story of Animal Farm follows a group of farm animals that revolt and drive away their human leaders. They change the new system and proceed to create a system where all animals are equal. This can be compared to the society of Anthem where people's rights are restricted. Freedom and will is taken away and directed towards the common goal of always helping others and being a group. Anthem provides the ultimate collectivist group possible, the book mainly focuses upon a young main character Equality who only interacts with the societies leaders once. On this occasion it is clear that the ruling leaders prefer to …show more content…

In contrast, Animal Farm follows the formation of a new society of animals and how it becomes corrupt, whereas in Anthem the society has been collectivist for many ages and no-one remembers a different time. The animals in Animal Farm grow to feel cheated by the humans for, "Man is the only creature that consumes without producing" (Orwell 37). This shows how the animals felt fed up with the old system and for that reason wanted to make change. George Orwell shows how people can have good intentions for change. After Equality experiences his hardships and finds the beauty of the word I he wonders at the marvels of the …show more content…

Anthem shows by the end of the book that individualism is something that can help set you free and enlighten you. The important part is that while the text uses the plural form of words the book is very introspective and provides a single man's account on the society he lived in. At the end of the book Equality has seen how the society was made to restrict and destroy his inner self, "I am done with the monster of "We," the word of serfdom, of plunder, of misery, falsehood and shame" (Rand 164). The important part is that this emphasizes the underlining reasoning behind the book that collectivism and the very overuse of the word leads to failure and shame among people. We can compare the abuse of the word "We" in Anthem to the changed meaning and abuse of the word "equal" in Animal Farm. One of the very laws of the society read, "ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL, BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS" (Orwell 112). This is particularily powerful because the ruling class of pigs had such power of the minds of their followers that while many felt uneasy about this rule, they couldn't discuss or fight against its reasoning. This is similar to because of how people didn't know an alternative to "we" they simply couldn't express themselves like how they wanted. The Abuse of words to manipulate meaning and conversation is expressed in many other similar books especially

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