Write An Essay On Solid Structure Of Soil

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formation of strong friction and cohesive bonds between colloid particles and soil water, and is why a clay soil holds together better with the soil solution. This results in the than a sandy soil when wet. Soil Structure:
Soil structure is the arrangement and binding together of soil particles into larger clusters, called aggregates or pads.
Aggregation is important for increasing stability against erosion, for maintaining porosity and soil water movement, and for improving fertility and carbon sequestration in the soil. Granular structure consists of loosely packed spherical pads that are glued together mostly by organic substances.
2) Plastic bottle: In this paper plastic bottles are used as a fundamental element, so we have gone through …show more content…

If these are ensured and adequate amount of entrained air is there, the problem of corrosion may be circumvented, or otherwise the reinforcement is likely to be corroded whether it is pure water or sea water but with a difference in the rate of corrosion. Therefore, sea water may be recommended for concrete without reinforcement. The chlorides in sea water may cause efflorescence restricting it to be used in making mortars for plastering. The use of sea water is not recommended for prestressed concrete because of stress corrosion and the small diameter wires (if corroded may cause disaster)
Most waters carrying industrial waste have less than 3,000 ppm of total solids. When such water is used as mixing water in concrete, the reduction in compressive strength is generally less than about 10 per cent. Waste waters from paint factories, coke plants, chemical and galvanizing plants may contain harmful impurities. It is advisable to test any waste water that contains even few hundred parts per million of unusual solids before using it for mixing concrete. One way of using sewage containing large organic matters (say 400 ppm) is to dilute it in a good disposal system to reduce the concentration to about 20 ppm or less, an amount too low to have any significant effect on concrete

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