The State Of Diversity

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Diversity is a state of being varied or simply, variety. Without our knowledge, the word ‘Diversity’ perfectly suits our lovely luxurious nation. Malaysia is so fortunate to be blessed with a rare and irreplaceable asset, our diversity. Perhaps no other nation in the world can rightfully boast to be a truly Asian country. One can learn about Malay, Chinese, Indian and the Dusun cultures from the moment one steps out of his or her doorstep. One can visit a mosque, a Buddhist temple, a Hindu temple, a church or a gurdwara and learn about most of the world’s major religions in a single city or town. Some of the foremost and unique variations in our homeland are such as our cultures, linguals and religions. These are the essence of a country and its people, at once it should be cherished and nurtured among residents. …show more content…

Being raised in a country like Malaysia where mixture of people colours the same Jalur Gemilang flag , I had never felt awful whenever I’m surrounded by other races. It might be the colour of our skin are different but we always stand together as brothers. The variation has brought us more closer to capture our determination in Vision 2020. This diversity which starts two centuries ago has been treasured and protected by our ancestors and should be continued by us now. The success that we had achieved today are the result of solidarity within us. Hence, we should appreciate the prosperity within our

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