
St Anne And Ismeria Essay

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Born in Bethlehem from Eliud and Ismeria, Saint Anne came into this world. However, there is no specific date of when she was born. When Saint Anne became four, her parent took her to live at a temple for twelve years. Then at age sixteen, she returned home to her mother and father. Unfortunately, Saint Anne’s mother, Ismeria, became ill around one year after Saint Anne’s return. Upon this, Ismeria made Saint Anne promise that she would get married. Since childhood, Saint Anne has lived a very holy life. Saint Anne had the virtues of faith, hope, and charity, and prayed for the coming of the Messiah and a husband to fulfil her promise. At the age of eighteen, Saint Anne married Saint Joachim, who was also a humble, modest, and very holy …show more content…

Mary was born with grace and free from Original Sin, and Saint Anne and Joachim helped raise Mary to love and be faithful of god and remain sinless. Then at the age of four, Saint Anne and Joachim took Mary to the Temple. Even though this was a promise to God, both parents were distressed to see Mary go. During this time, Saint Anne and her husband remained holy and charitable people. Soon, Mary was told she had to be married, and Saint Anne was supportive through the process. Mary ended up marrying Joseph and had baby Jesus. Saint Anne often visited and helped supply the family with what they needed. Unlike most Saints, Saint Anne had no confrontation, trouble, or hardship near the end of her life. She ended up passing away with a natural death in her daughter, Mary’s, arms. Throughout Saint Anne’s life, there were many impressive moments. However, I am very amazed that she and her husband were able to have a child who was born without original sin. Saint Anne prayed for a child and the coming of the Messiah. Saint Anne was granted one of the greatest gifts of all, having a child who would give birth to the Messiah. This event in Saint Anne’s life impressed me the most because it was a like a miracle. Not everyone was giving the same opportunity has hers except her daughter who gave birth to

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