The Starbucks in Pearland Parkway has an average age of people from 13 to 40. Everyday at 7 pm, there's up to forty people inside the restaurant. Starbucks has ten different types of coffee beans, twelve blends of flavors and loads of special toppings. Also, the environment inside the restaurant is very relaxing and multicultural. There's a lot of movement being involved in starbucks as some people are reading, conversating and making orders in the register. Inside starbucks, there’s a multicultural environment. There's asians, white and hispanic people. But, the weird part is that everybody should be together and connected. Instead, of having a division. People are separated into three sections by education level. The college students are …show more content…
Some people had different attitudes and feelings over aspects. Not everything had a perfect and bright color. Also, there was some depressing and frustrating color. Like, this two white womens that were seated on the counter drinking pumpkin spice latte. And speaked how one of them had a process of divorce. Since, an affair between the neighbors housemaid and the husband occur. But, even considering the right decision, the one that get’s most affected in this situation is the kids. Also, the most time someone stay in starbucks it's an hour and the least amount it's thirty minutes. The time spended may seem a lot of time but, the importance is that it’s being product it and not just being expanded on something useless. There’s multi activities as purchasing a beverage or food and reading magazines in starbucks. In the counter, there was a lot of different shapes, color and texture of different beverages and food purchased. The most popular beverage for the fall was a chai tea latte and a pumpkin spice latte. Everybody was studying or reading a magazine or an article with a beverage on the side. The most time was consumed in the restaurant, the more money it was spent on food. Everybody looks energized and enjoying their night at Starbucks. Even, the phones were left on the table without being used or touch. During the night, the reading and the purchase of food seem interesting. As, hot bread coming out of