Suicide And Suicide Essay: The Causes Of Suicide

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All people have periods in their lives when everything seems to go wrong. Hardships pile up, one misfortune follows another, resentment and frustration become too harsh to bear, and at some point, a person may feel that he or she cannot take it anymore. Every individual has his or her own coping strategies for such periods: some find relief in alcohol, others indulge in compulsive behaviors such as excessive shopping or eating, while some try to stay in one place and wait until the streak of failures runs to its end. However, there are people whose psyche, due to various reasons, is too fragile, or worn out, to be able to withstand hardships. If life hits them too hard, they might find no other choice than to commit suicide, in a radical attempt to solve all their problems at once—or, rather, to escape from them. However, life complications are not the only reason why people choose to kill themselves; in this essay, we are going to take a look at some of the factors pushing a person towards this fatal decision.

Perhaps the first and foremost cause of suicide is depression. Due to the nature of this disease, people suffering from it often find living, performing everyday routines, working, having relationships, and so on, totally unbearable. Even the simplest actions require immense psychological effort, because one of the questions undermining the psyche of a depressed person sounds like, “What is the point in all this?” The lack of sense may be devastating; usually, every

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