Summary Of The Poem 'The Secret Sharer'

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-The judge also did not accept the plaintiffs' claim that an auction for the patents was essentially a sham, and that AOL knew long before April 9 that it would sell them to Microsoft, Cote said. {Felix Salmon} (Something that is not what it purports to be/ a spurious imitation/ fake/ mock/ bogus/ imitation/ pretend/ pretence)
~ And my hesitation in letting that man swim away from my ship’s side had been a mere sham sentiment, a sort of cowardice. {Joseph Conrad- ‘The Secret Sharer’}

-They wish to speak with us with a view to improving our working conditions. (With the hope, aim, or intention of/ meaning/ purpose/ intent/ goal/ target/ objective/ plan/ a drive to / resolving to/ with a commitment to/ bent on/ set on/ concentrating on/ with …show more content…

Fool: it is you who are the pursued, the marked down quarry, and the destined prey. {George Bernard Shaw} (The prey= An animal hunted or caught for food; quarry. One that is defenceless, especially in the face of attack; a victim {wiki answers} quarry/ victim/ target/ hunted/ trailed/ tracked/ tailed/ shadowed/ dogged/ hounded)
~The Ribblevale Steel Company was the real quarry, after all. And such had been the expedition, the skill and secrecy, with which our affair was conducted,… {American Winston Churchill, a Far Country}
~ Whereas the men, in gratitude to the woman for the sex experience, let their souls go out to her; and afterwards looked rather as if they had lost a shilling and found sixpence. {DH Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover}

-The case was remitted to the court of appeal. (To refer (a case) to another court for further consideration or action/To refer (a matter) to a committee or authority for decision/(Law) Law (esp. of an appeal court) to send back (a case or proceeding) to an inferior court for further consideration or action {Farlex} sent/ forwarded/ dispatched/ referred/ pass on/ handled/ redirected/ send on/ transmit/

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