Sustainable Forest Management in Canada The purpose of sustainably managing forests is such that forests may maintain their social, economic, and environmental prosperity (Natural Resources Canada, 2015). Because ecosystems contain many complicated aspects, and are so easily affected by external factors, sustainable forest management (SFM) practices must be continuously adapted as the situation demands (PEFC, 2015). This paper will explain Canada’s modern SFM practices, and how they have each contributed to Canada’s recognition as an international leader in sustainable forest management. The methodology used will be based on Canada’s four key aspects that summarize their SFM practices, and allow them to excel. Respectively, these include: …show more content…
This is applied to procedures such as the decision making, planning and evaluation of forest management (Natural Resources Canada, 2015). The ecosystem-based approach is a perspective process that considers the interactions of various factors, including humans, and their effects on an ecosystem (Convention on Biological Diversity, n.d). Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) has been noted as being a flexible approach to managing the coexistence of human activities and a functioning ecosystem so that they may be mutually beneficial (Ecotrust, n.d). This means that human activities must not be in excess of what the ecosystem can produce, and not damage the ecosystem in terms of its diversity and functions (Ecotrust, n.d). The purpose of this scientific approach is to ensure the ecosystem, in this case forests, maintain their social, environmental and economic benefits (Ecotrust, n.d). Doing so in a sustainable manner ensures the wellbeing of the planet and thus in turn the wellbeing of humans (Ecotrust, n.d). From this it becomes apparent that maintaining a sustainable ecosystem is not just environmentally responsible, but also beneficial for the long term interest of society. To maintain sustainable ecosystems with a scientific approach, forests must be monitored. The science-based approach can be applied using the Criteria and Indicators Framework (2005) which consists of six areas of concern that help to monitor the forests social, economic and environmental contributions (Natural Resources Canada, 2015). The contents of the Criteria and Indicators Framework (2005) can be referred to in Appendix A. Canada’s use of these Criteria and indicators allows Canadian forests to be monitored, and in turn changed, to ensure their sustainability. By focusing on maintaining a sustainable