
Tennessee Williams 'Vix Carre': Play Analysis

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Wow! I loved reading this play. After reading it initially, I was in awe due to how much I enjoyed it! It was even more interesting when I researched and found out Tennessee Williams wrote Vieux Carre based on similar interactions with the characters in this play. Yikes. I loved how each character had an extraordinary distinct and quirky trait, but portrayed in a very dark, humorous way. Especially the incredibly racist and witchy Mrs. Wire. Nightingale reminded me of a the character Rick from the Adult Swim show Rick and Morty, but instead of a scientist he is an artist. Nightingale’s cynicism and blunt manner towards the writer accentuated the qualities in Rick, so it was very easy to read Nightingale’s lines in his raspy voice. Initially, I really admired Jane. She was a …show more content…

We used to go to church together, (it was a very hipster church) and she would wear tutus, dye her hair pink or blue on random occasions, and threw trading parties for all of us to trade our stuff and drink wine. Although I was drinking grape juice. I remember seeing Asian in a children’s musical based off of the children’s book “The Stinky Cheese man” which was a parody of the gingerbread man. I don’t remember the play exactly, but she was in a black and white leotard with a lime green tutu on and she was amazing in my eyes. Asia was an idol to me as a child. She didn’t need to be married to have a baby, she could have a daytime job and work on a children’s musical, and she had a wedding where she switched costumes instead of dresses. She taught me to have no expectations for myself. To accept life as it happens, and to uphold high standards for myself. Also, you don’t have to grow up if you don’t want to. You can live your life as a teenager in an adult 's body who wears tutus and pink hair if you want. She always emphasized I should do what makes me happy, not strive to

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