
The Black Cat Psychological Analysis

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Poe 's short story, "The Black Cat" depicts three primary psychological components of the human personality that includes perversity, irrationality and guilt or blame. From the earliest starting point of the story, it is plainly comprehended that the principle character is superstitious. He reviews his significant other 's words as “my wife, …, made frequent allusion to the ancient popular notion, which regarded all black cats as witches in disguise” (Poe 1). The character calls his significant other irrational, however as the story continues, it can be seen that he is much more irrational himself. Additionally, the character starts to trust in the rebirth of the black cat. After observing the second cat, he rapidly brings into mind the presence …show more content…

In "The Black Cat," there are numerous cases where guilt can be believed to presumably having control over the main character 's identity. Sadly, this guilt does not keep him from stopping him from continuing with his sins. The lead character changes from a lovely individual to a wild one who beverages, reviles, and murders his partner and pets. Hence, his pets begin to stay away from him as he says, “I fancied that the cat avoided my presence” (Poe 5). Therefore, he becomes more abusive and aggressive upon receiving ignorance from his pets, especially Pluto, the black cat. In his anger, he removes the eye of his most loved pet, Pluto. Likewise, he hangs the cat for no apparent reason, but since of the blame he has of doing incorrectly. Besides, after he brings the second cat home, he begins growing hatred towards it since it reminds him of what he has done in his past. Correspondingly, the sentiment blame changes into his hatred and thus a strive to murder the second cat. Individuals regularly attempt to conceal their guilt from themselves from individuals around them. In like manner, the principle character drinks significantly more to conceal his deeds from his own self. Subsequent to killing his wife, he tries to conceal his activity from whatever is left of the world by walling her up in the basement. It is in the mind of a man that when he is certain that he won 't be suspected, the feeling of guilt vanishes from his mind for quite a while, yet returns once in a while. The killer in the story says, “… and thus for one night at least, since its introduction into my house, I soundly and transguilly slept; aye, slept even with the burden of murder upon my soul!” (Poe 6). Even so, in the wake of walling his wife in the basement, his guilt does not control him from spilling out reality of the murder before

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