The Characteristics Of Social Media And Narcissism

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Social Media and Narcissism Has Social Media turned us into a bunch of narcissists? In the eyes of many, the answer is yes. Have you ever noticed a young girl pouting her lips, snapping a photo and sighing because its not perfect, well you better start looking around because it’s happening everywhere (Gaborone 1). From being mostly non-existent fifteen years ago, social media has not only increased astronomically but takes up a large part of our daily lives (Campbell 1). For some it’s a confidence boost, for others it’s just a fun site, but for many it’s a place where looking and being perfect is the most important thing. Social media, such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook, is turning our society into a group of narcissists. “Ebola is long gone; the world’s new pandemic is narcissism (Gaborone 1).” Narcissism is having an inflated view of oneself and is a major research topic that is bringing concern with it, especially with the increase of social media (Campbell 1). Narcissism could also be an intense desire for popularity and recognition from peers, friends and even strangers. Many people believe that social media is not to blame for the sudden increase of more narcissistic behavior, instead many believe that it is just a product of the times. Shawn Bergman, an assistant professor of organizational psychology, acknowledges that the cause for millennial narcissism is complicated but he believes that it has more to do with parents and educators more

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