The Characteristics Of The Victorian Age In The Victorian Period

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The Victorian era is the period dated between (1837-1901),in which queen Victoria came to the throne, after the Georgian period and before the Edwardian, described as the longest reign. It is argued that this era have many crucial changes. Many characteristics were acquainted with this period: the numerous political and social acts devoted to organize parties, people 's life and institutions (Briggs, 261). The industrialization raised the number of factories and the mechanical development but it left the monarchy between two conflicting ideas, one is the big progress that spread all over the monarchy and the extreme poverty that the working class was suffering from, Bagehot states that ‘Queen Victoria reigned over a society dominated by contrast. On one side were men of ideas and men of power, who had made their way to success or inherited it; on the other side were’ ignorant’ Dorset labourers’( ibid,254 ) London is the capital of Great Britain and its powerful center because of ruling enormous change after the industrialization which made it attractive for different immigrants especially those from the countryside. Those changes were one of the causes for the increased population as it was the case for the entire empire in parallel with the state of peace. The British population …show more content…

Though there were many great poets such as Alfred Tennyson and Browning, novels take the wide concern and emerged, for that, authors are considered to be the prominent figures at that time including the Bronte sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Anne), Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, William Thackeray, George Eliot and

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