
The Heartbreak Of Aaron Burr In The Duel By Joseph Ellis

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In the book The Heartbreak of Aaron Burr the author, H.W. Brands, takes and obvious stance in favor of Burr. In comparison to the first chapter of The Duel by Joseph Ellis, many differences in the authors’ opinions are apparent. Brands heavily favors Burr. It is completely clear in many instances of his writing in the book. The most evident tool used in Brands’ near-propaganda is his word choice. Also a powerful tool: his tone. He uses both to make his point and stance obvious in his writing. One of the first instances of this is in the third of Brands’ book when he pridefully says “Burr’s many gifts include a talent for ingratiating.” (Brands 11) First off, this sentence most definitely talks up Burr from the beginning, speaking of his “many …show more content…

He includes a multitude of letters and conversations between Burr and his daughter, many of which express Burr’s overwhelming love and fatherly passion for Theodosia and a good life for her. The book goes into some detail about his sufferings in life as well. Describing Burr’s family life in great detail helps to humanize Burr as well as create an understanding of who he was outside of his political involvement. We are able to grasp an understanding and maybe even some empathy for Aaron Burr. This makes it quite evident that Brands wants us to feel positively toward Burr. Brands also accomplishes this by mentioning that “Theo’s progress confirms [Burr’s] views of the potential of women (Brands 16)”. Brands continues to elaborate slightly that Burr was in favor of women being educated and that he found them to have potential. This is definitely a good card to play since feminism is hot and heavy in today’s society. It evokes positivity in a society that now has given women the chance to have as much potential and learning opportunity as men as well as gives the impression that Burr was a man of thoughts that were beyond his time. How humbling and refreshing in the eyes of society

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