
The Holocaust In Elie Wiesel's Life Is Beautiful

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The Holocaust. A horrific crime that will live forever in infamy. More so than December 7, 1941, for it was not one day, one month, or even one year. It was far worse. It was years of built up racist hate and blind confusion unleashed in a devastating manner. Though there are many differences and variations in sources from the Holocaust, whether it be Night written by Elie Wiesel, Life is Beautiful directed by Roberto Benigni, or multiple accounts from Holocaust survivors from an article called Tales from Auschwitz by The Guardian, they all will agree that it was a terrible and unforgivable atrocity committed not only to the Jewish people, but all of mankind.
One similarity that the three sources share, as baffling and terrifying as it …show more content…

Night gives a gloomy and desolated feeling, a feeling horrifically fitting to the scenario they were in. A clear and vivid example of this is when the farmers threw food into the wagons to see a fight and watch humans murder each other over crust from bread. One boy kills his own father just to get a small piece of bread! Another example from before this is when they are on the train and Mrs. Schachter won’t be quiet, they turn on one of their own and beat her. The tone is overall is gloomy and hopeless. Life is Beautiful takes a different approach. It shows kindness and comedy where most would find none. An example of this is when Guido convinces and Joshua is in the concentration camp. Guido convinces Joshua that the camp is just a game and that they can leave at any time. He also makes sure that Joshua is well fed whenever he is hungry. Even close to death's door, Guido humors Joshua and finds a way to stay upbeat and maintain a sense of humor. Tales from Auschwitz takes a path similar to Night, but slightly more hopeful and optimistic. Irene Fogel Weiss talked about all of the horrific things that happened at Auschwitz, such as the fact that around 90% of the people from her hometown of Botragy, Czechoslovakia, and how she worked by a crematorium and how she watched women and children enter it, knowing that they would be dead within the hour. Along with talking about all of the awful and disgusting crimes committed to her, she also talked about her family that was there with her, whether it be in spirit or physically there. Her siblings, parents, and especially her aunts, Rosi and Piri, were all huge moral and emotional supporters to her, helping her to maintain the courage to continue

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