
Social Isolation In Nursing

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Rob’s withdrawal is impacting upon his friendships, which is leading to social isolation. Meaningful relationships and social networks can provide individuals with support through adversity, strengthen recovery processes, and improve individual’s well-being and quality of life (Public Health England, 2015; Handley et al., 2015; Holt-Lunstad et al., 2010). Furthermore, research suggests that social isolation has physical health implications such an increased prevalence of cardio-vascular diseases (Pickhart & Pikhartova, 2015).

It is common for individuals to experience numerous losses within their lives; major life events such as the death of a loved one can increase the risk of mental illness (Ventriglio & Bhugra, 2017). During major life …show more content…

Assessment is continuous throughout the nursing process collecting subjective and objective data to identify individual needs (Webber & Kelly, 2014).

Communication underpins the formation of the therapeutic relationship (Whitehouse, 2006). The learning disability nurse must be competent in receptive and expressive communication and interpersonal skills to communicate effectively with individuals with learning disabilities who have cognitive, communication, and sensory impairments, adhering to reasonable adjustments (Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, 2013; NMC, 2010; Equality Act, 2010).

Historical information should be collected; assessment of emotional development can identify childhood experiences that could lead to arrested emotional development, attachment disorders, psycho social masking and difficulties with trust (Beckett, 2013; Frankish, 2013; Bowlby, 1982). Having knowledge of this area can provide rationale for interventions and support the development of the therapeutic relationship (Larson et al., 2011). The LDNAT encompasses aspects from the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (ref) and the Mental Health Clustering tool (ref) to assess the multitude of needs that may arise in an individual with a learning disability. It also highlights historical information that could still have relevance to incorporate into the care plan (Painter et al.,

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