Vocabulary In English Language Learning

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Vocabulary has been considered as fundamental in language teaching and learning by many researchers. Vocabulary is an integral part of the language learning process. Little knowledge of vocabulary has an effect on fluency of language learning. As previous experiences indicated vocabulary learning is a major factor in learning a language, mother tongue or second/foreign language. Learning vocabulary in the earlier stages is more essential than grammar. Without vocabulary one would not be able to use functions and structures for efficient communication. This means that without vocabulary knowledge one can communicate nothing but without knowing grammar one can communicate a little (Nunan 1991). Some recent researches have demonstrated that the responses to the questions of how to learn vocabulary learns best seem to include using usual tools such as word lists, flashcards, or monolingual dictionaries. Strangely enough, asking students to write their own sentences with newly learned words or structures five or ten times is not rare, even though the “old fashioned learning model “ rote learning …show more content…

There are so many investigations showing how the internet has been put into practice the foreign language instruction and the impact of computer –assisted instruction on the improvement of reading skill. Ferenz, Levine and, Reves 2000; Cobb, Horst and Nicolae, 2005; Coady, Tozcuand 2004, & Taylor 2009 have investigated vocabulary acquisition. The term vocabulary has a range of meanings. For example, some teachers use the term to signify sight-word vocabularies, referring to students’ immediate recognition of words in print; other teachers refer to words students understand as their meaning

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