The Power Of Love In Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice

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They were able to live happily ever after, thanks to the efforts they made because of their love for each other. Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice is the love story of Elizabeth and Darcy. She thought of him to be a crude man. Darcy knew he loved her, but couldn’t believe that he would be attracted to someone as unattractive as her. However, Elizabeth kissed her prejudice goodbye and Darcy discarded his pride so they were able to fall in love with one another. The couple, Della and Jim in “The Gift of the Magi” gave up their most precious items in order for them to have enough money to buy a Christmas present for each other. Even though the efforts put into the present were worthless, they realized the best gift of all of being together. The unrequited love of a lonely man for a beautiful woman plays in “La Belle Dame sans Merci.” The woman can’t return the love he feels for her, yet he continues to admire her from afar. Shakespeare’s poem “Sonnet 40” explains the different types of love within the love affair between him, a woman, and another man. William caught the affair happening, yet he decides to forgive the woman he loves. The love story between two people can vary depending on the circumstances at hand. It always has a way of changing those who feel affection towards one another. Love possesses a power to change people by shifting their definition of love in a good way and by showing the lasting effects it bestows upon them. The way a person behaves in front

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