Pros And Cons Of Plagiarism

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The purpose of our research was to study this problem in greater depth. In particular, we wanted. Additionally, the study provides brief statements regarding the elements that can make a person cheat and examine the effects of it in the future life. Moreover, the main cause of cheating and plagiarism has been highlighted in the paper as well. The main point of the research identifies the pros and cons of cheating and plagiarisms from both students and teachers. Cheating can affect the entire personality of an individual due to the consequences of what might be behind it.

Some students cheat because they are lazy and are just looking for ways to get better results without applying any effort. Despite the fact that it might be …show more content…

Even though there are ways to help a student not to cheat or plagiarize is to keep a record of their work, ensure that it matches their topic and try as much as you can to use your words and knowledge. Students cheat to raise their grades. The latest national study from the Centre for Academic Integrity shows that “to get good grades” was a primary motive for cheating among high school students (McCabe, 2001) (Finn, K. V., & Frone, M. R. ,2004). Raising the grade is one of the most requirable pros that a cheating students aim for. On the other hand, some students might not be self confident, and thinks that google, Wikipedia and all the online sources are way better and can help them easily. “Cheating is more likely to occur when students feel alienated from school and dissociate from school rules and procedures. It is less likely when students are closely identified with school.” (Finn, K. V., & Frone, M. R. ,2004). But by this it might lead to a negative effect that a student could be expelled from the college/school or fail the course. A student might submit a report or an essay from buying it from another person or

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