
The Pros And Cons Of President Polk

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Have you ever wondered what the country would look like if President Polk decided to not start a war with Mexico? President James Polk, who favored the Manifest Destiny, would choose to take another route. In fact, he might focus on a negotiation with the Mexican government, in which he would offer the protection from European countries, the help in building up a stable government, and the establishment of a strong relationship between two countries in exchange for the annexation of Texas and the area of California and New Mexico. Let first take a look at the condition of the two countries before 1846. In 1845, James Polk took the office and he started to aim for gaining new territories. Therefore, it was no doubt if Polk decided to ask Mexico …show more content…

For instance, in exchange for the area of California and New Mexico, the United States might provide the Mexican government with some resources, which the country gained in these states every year for a period of time. Moreover, the resources could also be used to earn money to help with building a lot of infrastructures in the country. In fact, although this method might require the United States to offer a little more money early, but would eventually produce more benefits in the future as it could create a strong ally and reduce the immense loss of life and property if the war was waged. Furthermore, President Polk could introduce the United States’ system to the Mexican people as a way to stabilize their government. This would create an early “Moral Diplomacy” that would not exist until about another century, which would strengthen the power of the United States as well as the Democratic Party in the country. In fact, if this was agreed by the Mexican government, President Polk had created for himself a strong ally, not only in foreign affair, especially trading, but also in the country as it would reduce the power of the Whig …show more content…

For instance, President Polk could offer an Act that allowed the Mexican people still able to live in the area of California and New Mexico even after the United States obtained them. The Act should then balance the number between two groups of citizens in order to prevent an unbalanced system that could lead to a real war between two countries. Also, this Act would also help people know each other better, including the cultural and social activities. Therefore, the bond between two countries would thrived and hence the United States would be able to gain a strong ally in the area. In addition, one of the main problems that President Polk might have to face so as to mend the relationship between two groups of citizens appeared to be the slavery system (“Mexican-Manifest Destiny”). In fact, either sides at this time refused to acknowledge the other’s system and thus posed a high risk of war. Therefore, President Polk might have to spend a long time with his officers and cabinet to come up with a solution for this issue. Consequently, it was possible that both countries would eventually agree to an early Compromise proposed by Henry Clay, which was not supposed to appear until 1850 if the war was waged. This Compromise would admit California into the United States as a free state while Texas was considered a slave state and all the remaining area would remain undetermined (“The

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