The Toyota Production System

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INTRODUCTION Just in Time (JIT) is an approach of continuous and forced problem solving via a focus on throughput and reduced inventory. The Toyota Production System TPS. With its emphasis on continuous improvement, respect for people, and standard work practices. Is particularly suited for assembly lines. Learn operation supplies the customer with exactly what the customer want’s when the customer wants it. Without waste, through continuous improvement. Lean operation are driven by workflow initiated by the ‘pull” of the customers order.When implemented as a comprehensive manufacturing strategy. JIT, TPS and lean system sustain competitive advantages and result in increased overall return. If there is any distinction between JIT, TPS …show more content…

The movement of material on a factory floor (or paper in an offices) does not add value. Consequently, manager’s wants flexiblelayouts that reduces the movements of both people and material. JIT layout place material directly in the location where needed. For instances, an assembly line should be design with delivery point next to the line so material need not be delivered first to receiving department and then moved again. Toyota has gone one step farther and places hardware and components in the chassis of each vehicles moving down the assembly line. This is not only convenient, but it allows Toyota to save space and open areas adjacent to assembly. Included Distances Reduction, Increased flexibility, impact on employee and last thing is reduced space and inventory. 2

JIT Inventory
• Inventories in production and distribution system often exist “Just in case ‘’something goes wrong. That is, they are used just in case some variation from the production plan occurs. The “extra” inventory is then used to cover variation or problems. Effective inventory tactics require “Just in Time” not just in case “Just in Time” inventory is the minimum inventory necessary to keep a perfect system running. With Just in time inventory, the exact amount of goods arrives at the moment it is needed, …show more content…

In their effort to reduce inventory, the Japanese use say term that “pull” inventory through work centres. They often used a card to signal the need for another container of material hence the name Kanban. The card is the authorization for the next container of material to be produces. A Kanban need not be as formal as signal light light or empty carts. The cook in a fast food restaurant knows that when six car are in line, eight meat patties and six orders of French fries should be cooking.

JIT Quality
The relationship between JIT and quality is a strong one. They are related in three ways. First JIT cuts the cost of obtaining good quality .This saving occur because scrap, rework, inventory; therefore fewer bad units are produced and fewer units must reworked .In short, whereas inventory hides bad quality, JIT immediately exposed it. (heizer & render)

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