Total Quality Management Concepts

953 Words4 Pages The introduction of total quality management concepts can be traced to the first management consultant, an engineer named Frederick W. Taylor. His application of science to complex human endeavors was further developed by Walter A. Shewhart, a statistician who developed work sampling and control charts, which attracted the interest of another statistician, Edwards Deming. Joseph M. Juran, an investigator at the Hawthorne Works experiments, also, drew from Shewhart's work and recognized that system problems could be addressed through three fundamental managerial processes - planning, control and improvement. Philip B. Crosby advocated the "zero-defects" program adopted by the US federal government defining quality as "conformance …show more content…

Suppliers and their suppliers were required to use these techniques. Other industries and the Department of Defense also implemented SPC. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award was established and became the means to measure TQM. Genechi Taguchi introduced his concepts of parameter and tolerance design and brought about a resurgence of design of experiments (DOE) as a valuable quality improvement tool. Emphasis on quality continued in the auto industry in the 1990s when the Saturn automobile ranked third in customer satisfaction behind the two most expensive Japanese automobiles. In addition, ISO 9000 quality standard was developed and quickly became the worldwide model for a quality system. The automotive industry adopted ISO 9000 to place greater emphasis on customer satisfaction and also added elements on production and augmented it to planning and organizing wherein ISO 14000 was approved as the worldwide model for environmental management systems (Besterfild, …show more content…

These managers are beginning to understand the importance of continuously improving the quality of their services and products as a means of achieving these goals. Those who began to learn about quality quickly become familiar with the names of Philip B. Crosby, W.Edwards Deming, and Joseph M. Juran--renowned quality experts--who have been carrying forth the message of quality for more than 30 years. At an age when most people have retired, Philip B. Crosby and Joseph M. Juran continued an untiring pace of work conducting seminars, consulting with clients, and writing new texts. They devoted their lives to helping organizations improve the quality of their products and services. Their influence is now worldwide and their accomplishments are legendary in the

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