Traditional Rewards In Somnambulist, And Iced-Cream

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Ramifications of chasing traditional rewards in, “How Not to Get into College”, “Somnambulist”, and “Iced- Cream” “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s dream”. Implying that The authors develop the message that people assume extrinsic rewards equal joy and satisfaction in their lives. However, their intentions ultimately lead to lives filled with regret, and disappointment in the process of achieving their goals. People assume that chasing extrinsic rewards will bring back the joy and comfort back into their lives, yet they are only left in depression. First of all, in Alfie Kohn’s essay, the students in fear of the future, view grades as a resolution to their problems. For instance, in order to run away from their concerns students begin “asking teachers, ‘Do we need to know this?’ and grimly trying to squeeze out another few points on the G.P.A or the …show more content…

Despite the fact that students are primarily motivated through the extrinsic rewards of grades, it only seems to create more distress in their lives. Secondly, in Barwick’s essay, Mr. Burns visions his long lost teddy bear as something that can provide him eternal happiness although even with the bear Mr. Burns is discontent with his life. For example, Mr. Burns is still unhappy even though “he was reunited with his precious teddy bear, Bobo” (Paragraph 3). Even though Mr. Burns thought the bear would bring happiness back into his life, Burns still was depressed with his life. Thirdly, in Heron Jones’s poem “Somnambulist”, workers are extrinsically motivated to earn promotions, thus voluntarily helping the bosses reach their goals, yet it only adds to the misery in the lives. For example, [when the workers] “awake, and sleep-walk to work. Dreamin’ another’s dream, so I silently

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