Trump Should Be President Essay

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Trump should be president for this upcoming term. He has good points, and he has the better ideas. He knows whats wrong like the country being in debt, and knows how to get out of it. He would be a great help to America and he could easily save our country. He has a plan to take out Isis, he's pro life, he is prop guns, he wants to reduce taxes and he want’s to get us out of debt. American is far in debt, but Trump will help us. The way Hillary wants to get us out is by making rich people, “making the wealthy pay their fair share”. But that isn’t fair. Trump wants to reduce taxes from 35% to 15% for companies citizen to three different and sometimes zero. This is what Trump said in his google account, “ Cut business rate to 15 percent. Reduce individual rates to three brackets of 12, 25, and 33 percent, with a 0 percent rate for many. Add above-the-line deduction for childcare costs, including for stay-at-home parents.” When he does that he believes that new businesses will start because lower tax, and old ones will expand. He wants to take away jobs from china so we can quit paying them and start getting money for America from America. Trump has a plan to defeat …show more content…

Only rich people get and extra dollar on their soda, and with that it will stay take a while to get to where we are out of debt. Trump is a businessman and knows how to deal with money, and he has a plan where people are happy while we get out of debt. With the extra money we will get, Trump wants to fix our roads, and he wants to fix/build bridges. He wants to build nicer cities, clean them up, fix tunnel. He wants affordable healthcare, high paying jobs, reduce cost of colleges, he wants to make sure that state government have some choices, better efficient energy, and so much more. He has an amazing plan out there for

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