Muhammad Saw Rhetorical Analysis

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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, honorable juries, and respected audiences.
First of all, i would like to give thanks to the presence of Greatest Allah SWT who has given us the blessing so that we can gather in this place. Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness so by his guidiance we are able to differentiate the good thing and the bad one, the right way and the bad one
Standing here in front of all of you, i would like to talk about unity in diversity
Every human was born in different condition, in different place, and in different ways. We often hear that something different is impossible to be merged together. Like an oil …show more content…

Do you know how we kill one another because of it? The problem that never finished, an unsolved problem, that exists just a feud between two parties that are endless. Do you remember how that fued has devastated this country? Do you remember how riotic this country when Chinese and indigenous fighting each other and make this country into sea of blood? Do you remember how Muslims and Christians in Ambon clashed brutally? Do you still remember the war between Dayak and Madura? Do you also remember how Aceh, Maluku, and Papua wants to secede from this country? we've been witnessing the animosity going on that on behalf of religion, race or tribe excessively. We find that hatred occurs because one feels higher than the others. They said majority, they said minority. The tribe of majority, the tribe of minority, religion of majority, religion of minority. Should we create a perspective like that? The identity of our country is not with regard to majority and minority. The identity of this country is with regard to social value of society, diversity, tolerance, and mutual cooperation.
Bhineka Tunggal Ika is the motto of this country, Pancasila is the foundation of this country and all of it is the identity of Indonesia. Do we really understand the meaning of it? Bhineka Tunggal Ika Tan Hana Dharma Mangrwa. Unity in diversity there is no truth that is ambiguous. Tan Hana Dharma Mangrwa which also means "No Devotion Which Bifurcated" actually describes the underlying principles of the life of a nation that is Bhineka Tunggal Ika. The true meaning of Tan Hana Dharma Mangrwa is certainly relevant to be contemplated so that this nation does not constantly get caught up in the

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