
What Is Deception In The Crucible

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In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the people of Salem and the authorities from Boston deceive each other which leads to innocent people being hanged. Abigail Williams and several other women betrayed each other during the Salem Witch Trials in their mission to get the judges to hang innocent people that were “guilty” of witchcraft.
Abigail was a big user of deception against the judges in order to hang John Proctor’s wife in hope of being with john as a lover after all of this mess was cleared over. She Deceives Judge Danforth in to thinking that the Devil actually does exist and witchcraft has caused her to bleed her own blood as she says here, “ I have been hurt, Mr.Danforth, I have seen my own blood runnin out! I done my duty pointing out the Devil’s people and this is my reward?, To be mistrusted, denied, questioned like a--”(Miller 100). Right here she is trying to sneakily persuade Danforth with her guilt and desire to prove to him that the “Devil” is not an illusion. Judge Danforth then says “ Child, I do not mistrust you--”(Miller 100), he has now been deceived by Abigail, this will lead to more betrayal and deception throughout the trials. …show more content…

In The Crucible, John Proctor is in a constant battle to save his wife from being hung for being a ‘Follower of the Devil”, so he is forced to deceive the judges into thinking that Abigail has been plotting his wife’s murder, which requires him to reveal his private life and the truth behind him as it says here. “ If he has to save his wife, the only alternative left before him is to accuse Abigail of deliberately plotting his wife’s murder and while doing so, as a necessity Proctor has to expose his private life and the sense of guilt he harbors to the

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