
What Is George A Custer Civil War Career

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General George A. Custer: Civil War Career
“I would be willing, yes glad, to see battle everyday.” This is one of George A. Custer’s famous quotes. Many would classify George A. Custer as one of the most foolish generals the United States military has ever held in its ranks, but what most people do not know is George Custer had a very significant and successful military career during the Civil War. George Custer had ambitions of being in the military at a very young age and had his sights set on West Point Military Academy. After his education, Custer would be thrown into the world of battle and he could not have been any happier
Coming from humble beginnings, George Armstrong Custer didn’t have much as a child. He was born in New Rumley, Ohio …show more content…

To get into West Point, one needs to be above average in academics and athletics, be in good mental and physical health, and each student must have a recommendation from a member of congress. (“FAQ Admission”). The only category Custer was lacking in was his academics. It wasn’t that Custer wasn’t smart, he just lacked the motivation needed to succeed in this particular category (“Custer’s Academy Years”). Custer also struggled with the congressional recommendation but eventually convinced a local congressman to sign off (“Bio”). However, Custer wasn’t in yet. The last thing Custer needed to get into West Point was his father’s signature (“Military Service Record”). So with his congressional recommendation and father’s signature, Custer was ready for West Point. Custer’s class was one of 67 cadets, but only 34 would graduate. Right from the beginning, Custer’s superiors knew he would be one of mischief. Custer was a bit of a troublemaker, however; he was very popular among his peers. West Point has a system of “dermits”. Academy supervisors would give these dermits to cadets if the cadet were to act out or break the rules of the academy. If a cadet were to earn 100 dermits in a semester, that cadet would be expelled from the academy. Multiple times, Custer would earn 90-95 dermits in a semester. Custer acted out in ways …show more content…

By this time, Custer had been promoted to Major General and was placed in command of the 2nd New York Cavalry. Custer had caught wind of the arrival of four rail cars that had arrived at Appomattox Station for General Lee and his men. So, Custer sent his division to Appomattox Station and remove the rail cars before Lee and his men could get there. Custer arrived at the station before Lee and was able to remove the cars, but he didn’t go unnoticed. General Rueben Walker, who headed Lee’s artillery division, began firing cannons upon Custer and his men. Custer ordered his troops to charge but this wasn’t easy as the setting for this battle was very unforgiving. Primarily woods and shrubs, the Union army couldn’t mobilize that well and lost organization, however; Custer’s troops were far more prepared for battle than those of General Walker, who had not been preparing supper instead of war at the time. Custer and his troops were successful in attacking and capturing the artillery of General Walker and this helped the Union gain ground on the battlefield. With this foothold, the Union now blocked off Lee’s path of retreat. General Lee now had only two options: fight or surrender. General Lee chose to fight and his attempts were thwarted and he was then forced to surrender his army. Without the acts of General Custer, the Union victory at the Appomattox would not have been possible (“Battles of

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