
What Were Al Capone's Major Accomplishments

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"I'm not through fighting yet.” Said Capone as he was getting taken away in handcuffs. (Linder) Al Capone was an infamous American gangster if the 1920s during the Prohibition Era. He ran rackets all throughout the Chicago area. Capone was known to ruthless as he rose the ranks. When Capone started he was just a bouncer. While he was a bouncer he made a comment to a woman and her brother pulled a knife and cut him. After a while he was sent to Chicago because he wounded a rival gang member. This all led to what Al Capone is known for today. When Capone was arrested it became one of the major accomplishments of the 1930s. Al Capone’s childhood led to what he became. As a kid Capone joined two “kid gangs” called the Brooklyn Rippers and Forty …show more content…

Capone will be known for bootlegging, murders, and running rackets throughout Chicago, but will be noticed more after when the St. Valentine’s Massacre. The massacre will put Capone on the map of President Hoover. After witnessing the United States V. Sullivan case Hoover wanted the same to happen to Capone. When the evidence was gathered against Capone he wanted to plead guilty for less years in prison. So Capone sent attorney’s to U.S Attorney George E. Q. Johnson to bargain the plea. On June 18, 1931 Capone went to Federal Judge James H. Wilkerson and entered a plea of guilty but Wilkerson waited till July 30 to consider the plea (Linder). In July 30, Wilkerson stated “The parties to a criminal case may not stipulate as to the judgment to be entered (Linder).” So it meant that there will be no bargain to plead guilty. Then Wilkerson continued on saying “It is time for somebody to impress upon the defendant that it is utterly impossible to bargain with a Federal Court …show more content…

Wilson did not believe O’Hare until he came up with the names of those jurors. In panic that thousands of hours of work might fail due to a fixed jury Wilson and the U.S attorney relayed the information to Judge Wilkerson. When Wilkerson’s jurors list showed up it matched exactly as what O’Hare said. After this happen Wilkerson said “Bring your case into court as planned, gentlemen” (Linder), after saying that he said “Leave the rest to me (Linder).” October 5, 1931 the trial of Al Capone began. He came in with a smile as he looked at the jury while wearing a mustard colored suit, then arrived Judge Wilkerson who asked the bailiff to trade jurors with Judge Edwards. Capone was unsettled after realizing what Wilkerson did and it made him nervous. The trial lasted from October 5 to October 17. When it came to the Final Decision Capone was founded guilty for failed tax return from 1924-1929. Wilkerson sentenced him with eleven years in jail, which was the longest sentencing for tax evasion. Capone was taken to Atlanta jail, and then moved to Alcatraz on August 1934 in San Francisco Bay (Biography.com). Years later when he is released hew will stay in his Palm Island Palace with his wife Mae. On January 25, 1947 Capone will die of cardiac arrest at the age of forty

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