William Blake's Characteristics Of Romanticism

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Romanticism Characteristics of William Blake William Blake is considered to be a romantic poet. When analyzing his poetry, the characteristics of romanticism are prominent in his writing. The characteristics of romanticism shown in the two poems, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: The Argument and A Poison Tree, that will be analyzed and discussed in this paper were the paranormal imagery, religion, and the intense feelings felt by the poet. Furthermore, in the poem The Argument it also shows that Blake is testing the boundaries of his free will to think if the ideas the hell might not be as bad as everyone else perceives it to be. The Romantic Period was a name coined by the Victorian critics to indicate this era. It was the shortest …show more content…

Rintrah is yelling out for change to be made in this world but it's also a way for Blake himself to voice out his own opinion about the world. Rintrah is a creation of William Blake and Rintrah symbolizes wrath. When first reading most would believe Rintrah to just be angry. Further analysis would indicate that Blake could see this character as anger about unfairness. In the next stanza there seems to be a man that is walking along to “the vale and death” which is constructed by the “Villian” and after arriving to the destination the man starts to behave angrily as …show more content…

Referring back to the title The Marriage of Heaven and Hell it can be understood in the place that the “marriage” of heaven and hell is a contradictory indicating that human beings can not have one or the either since both “good” and “evil” are both a part of our existence. From what is understood Blake is implying that good and evil isn’t what we, as people, think it is. In an academic journal called Reflections on Textual and Documentary Media in a Romantic and Post-Romantic Horizon the author, Jerome Mcgann, had described The Marriage of Heaven and Hell as, “a satire, is rare among Blake’s imaginative works, and unique among his Illuminated Books in the way it advances conceptual arguments.” From this quote it is describing how Blake uses irony and his creativity to use in this poem, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, thus reverting to the concept of romanticism is being put into place with the argument between heaven and hell. This poem has the characteristics of romanticism because it deals with the supernatural element which is, in this case, is about religion and also the passionate feelings of anger as well as in the second poem, A Poison Tree that will be discussed in the next

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