Brian's Hunt Essays

  • Book Report On Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

    454 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hatchet is the first book in a series of novels written by Gary Paulsen. The original copyright date of Hatchet is 1987 and since then every year or two all the way up to 2012. This story takes place in the far north Canadian wilderness after Brian’s plane crashes where he is completely lost and has to survive on his own. A person surviving on their own in the wilderness, what a familiar plot to a popular video game you may have played a few years ago! And now you can read the story, plus it isn’t

  • Book Report On Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

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    threw his hatchet and missed the porcupine and it hit the wall and created sparks, he now figured out how to make fire. A couple days later, he walked into the lake, he saw that the fish were swimming up to his feet, he made a bow and some arrows to hunt them and that worked. After being attacked by a skunk, he finally decided to build a better shelter. One day when Brian was out cleaning a ruffed grouse, he looked behind him and a moose was coming right at him. Next thing he knew he was picked off

  • Book Report On Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

    1192 Words  | 5 Pages

    Hatchet is the first book from the Hatchet series written by Gary Paulsen. The book was first written in 1989 and it is still one of the famous book among the young readers. The book Hatchet is all about the main character Brian, whose parents got divorced because of a SECRET and gets stuck in a Canadian wilderness by himself after a plane crash and had to survive only with a hatchet. Since Brian was a city boy, he wasn’t use to surviving in a rough circumstance but as the story develops, Brian also

  • Book Reports On Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

    508 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, is an attention grabbing, page turning book. It is about a thirteen year old boy named Brian sharing a tragic, life threatening, exhilarating experience. While flying on a two seater plane to Canada to visit his dad, Brian’s pilot has a heart attack. Brian is forced to crash land the plane in a lake, and survive on his own in the Northern woods of Canada, with nothing but a hatchet. Hatchet is based off of true events. Paulsen states that these things have happened to him

  • Brian Piccolo Summary

    253 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the second part of the book Brian Piccolo plays in a game against the Atlanta Falcons in 1969 just after brian was moved to the starting fullback position he complained of having breathing difficulties and was thus removed from the game. After the game the Bears went back to Chicago where Brian Piccolo went to get some test done to see what was causing his breathing problems. The result of his test diagnosed him with embryonal cell carcinoma which is also known as a cancerous tumor. Piccolo then

  • Analysis Of Three Witches Scene In Macbeth

    808 Words  | 4 Pages

    In this scene, there are 3 witches. These witches begin to discuss their plans. The first witch asks when they will meet and the next one states that when the commotion and fighting is over and done with and another says that this will be before the sun sets. They then begin to discuss where they will meet and they state that they will meet where Macbeth is. They then leave. This scene introduces other characters such as Malcolm, Duncan, Lennox and Ross. In this Scene, the captain enters with battle

  • Judge Hathorne In The Crucible

    1387 Words  | 6 Pages

    One of the biggest shocks people hear when it comes to the Crucible is that those characters were real, which makes the weight of their deaths that much heavier. A total of 20 people died in the Salem Witch Trials: 19 of them were hanged, and one was tortured to death by pressing; that person was Giles Corey. Not much is said about Giles Corey in the play, but it is said that actions speak louder than words, and that is true for him. When he refused to utter the names of others that might’ve been

  • Symbols In The Exorcist

    785 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Exorcist Everyone has different views when it comes to life after death, including the beliefs in ghosts and spirits. In the movie The Exorcist, the vivid scenes and twisted storylines made this movie one of the scariest movies of the seventies. The movie showcases 12 year old Regan’s life once she becomes possessed by the devil himself, and the struggles her mother went through to get her some help. The movie shows many reoccurring motifs throughout the movie, as well as some hidden metaphors

  • Witch Hunts Justified In The Crucible

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    Witch hunts, most don’t give much thought on the subject that is surrounded by controversy. The word itself it brings bad omens, known more specifically as the witch hunts they attempt to find and punish people who hold opinions that are thought to be unacceptable or dangerous to society. In Arthur Miller 's, The Crucible, he informed America about the misinformation of the witch hunt trials. His intent was to guide us through events that occurred in the Puritan times during the 1600s witch trials

  • Facts And Accomplishments Of King Henry VIII During The Renaissance

    1636 Words  | 7 Pages

    A Lincolnshire man once wrote, “Her grace should have her right, or else would be the bloodiest day….” She was known for being the first female monarch to rule and she ruled for five years. Mary was remembered for her burning 300 English bodies at stake. This period is called the Renaissance and it was during the 14th to the 17th century. It is an important period in European history that involved famous writers, sculptures, and painters. This time period signalled a rebirth of the arts, culture

  • Repression In The Crucible

    1369 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Crucible: How years of repression destroyed a community. The belief in witches had been present in Christian religion since the 14th century. The use of the supernatural as a way to explain the unknown would lead to a ‘witchcraft crave’ that would ripple through Europe, resulting in the execution of tens of thousands, mainly women, who were accused of ‘signing the Devil’s Book’. In this day and age it is difficult to understand why such horrific events took place, however while the fear of witchcraft

  • The Definition Of Loyalty In Homer's Odyssey

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    The definition of loyalty is faithful adherence to someone or something. Loyalty has been valued in society since the beginning of time, however one thing has changed. The lengths that people go to show their loyalty varies throughout time. In the book, The Odyssey by Homer, civilians were loyal to their family and friends. The extent that they would go to show their loyalty to each other is different than what it is now. Homer writes about a story about the extent people went to stay loyal to each

  • The Character Of Magwitch In Charles Dickens Great Expectations

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    What classifies a person as immoral to the point where they can’t be redeemed? In Great Expectations, Dickens draws a fine line between characters that can be described as “good” and characters that can be described as “bad.” For example, Herbert and Biddy are both characters that are only associated with positive actions and thoughts, while Drummle and Orlick are two characters that Dickens classified as inherently bad. However, the one character that is the exception to this, being associated with

  • Character Analysis Of 'Juror In 12 Angry Men'

    1643 Words  | 7 Pages

    Foreman (juror1): He being a foreman was forced to act as a leader. As he was a football team coach, he was well aware of the importance of team playing and team coherence. Juror #6 is probably the most invisible juror of the entire bunch. He only has a handful of lines in the movie, and he tends to come across as a guy who's willing to change his mind if people can convince him. As he says toward the beginning of the movie, "I don't know. I started to be convinced, you know, with the testimony

  • Free Will: Fate And Fate In The Tragedy Of Macbeth

    835 Words  | 4 Pages

    One of the most critical ideas surrounding tragedies is fate and destiny. The idea that an individual’s life is predetermined is associated with many great works of Shakespeare, and transcending through stories, if human beings have free will. If all humans carry free will, does that mean that all humans are responsible for their crimes and inhumanities. Undoubtedly, both topics are explored through the play, but Macbeth corrupts himself with his own destructive actions. The Tragedy of Macbeth stems

  • Compare And Contrast Long Day's Journey Into Night And John Proctor

    809 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the Crucible by Arthur Miller which protagonist is John Proctor, his desire to do what is right because of his reputation, his name in the town was synonymous with integrity and pride, all he wanted was respect. Notwithstanding, Elizabeth gave him his respect he deserved after his death, and Mary Tyrone, the protagonist of Long Day’s Journey into Night by Eugene O’Neill does not want people to know that she’s addicted to morphine after Edmund’s birth. She’s the main focus of the play because each

  • Alceste In Jean-Baptiste Moliere's The Misanthrope

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    The Misanthrope is a seventeenth century comedy of manners written by Jean-Baptiste Moliere. This play ridicules and criticizes the French aristocratic rule while revealing the foibles of man. His primary intention is not to tell his audience what is right but to teach the society a definite lesson. The Misanthropist remains relevant through the years because every generation since 1666 has managed to find something that reminds them of their own society. The writer uses the protagonist, Alceste

  • Hex Form Of Manipulative Magick

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    Hex is a form of manipulative magick The first know hex was in 1856 coming from Germany, then the magic spell first recorded in 1909 which means a witch. Hex is a for of manipulative magick. The word hex means a spell or bewitchment and comes from the German word hexe for witch. Hex is a form of manipulative magic so lets take the word manipulative and see where this leads us according to manipulative means to "influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others

  • The Malleus Maleficarum: The Prosecution Of Witches

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    Witchcraft is considered to be a controversial crime and as well punishable. Due to the rise in Christa1inaity, witchcraft is regarded to be a superstition and in this wise persecution of the so called witches became common in the middle ages. The malleus Maleficarum and the other document used served as reference document in order to identify and prosecute witches, it explains the rules of evidence or acceptable procedures in which those that were suspected to be witches are subjected to torture

  • The Crucible: Witch Hunts In The Past And Present

    802 Words  | 4 Pages

    Witch Hunts in the Past and Present The Crucible, although set in the Puritan era, has a theme that can be seen throughout time: fear causes people to turn into monsters. Throughout the years of our existence, the human race has been capable of horrific act of self destruction, and fear is often the motive. From the infamous witch trials, the McCarthy trials and today's anti Muslim agenda, these events have all occurred or is currently occurring because of fear induced hysteria. Arthur Miller’s