Confucius Essays

  • Plato And Confucius Similarities

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    There are two giants in the Axial Age of human history, Confucius and Plato, who are considered as the landmark in the oriental and western world. They are great philosophers, ideologists as well as excellent educators, whose thought have profound influence to the oriental and western world. Confucius’s ideas maintain authority for more than two thousand years, which have intimate connections with development of Chinese federal society. Even to this day, it still remains practical significance and

  • Confucius: An Analysis Of The Analects

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    Confucius who lived from 551-479 BC, was a Chinese teacher and philosopher. He emphasized on personal morality, the way in which social relationships should be approached and many more such as justice. He had strong loyalty to his family and has huge respect of elders. A huge saying that has lived on for years is his principle “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself”, which will be discussed throughout this essay. The Analects is a text structured by a group of Confucius followers

  • Confucius Views On Friendship

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    of their views revolve around this concept of Ren, friendship included. Confucius holds the view that friendship is grounded in commitment to the good. He believes that friends should be trustworthy and that they should do the best they can for their friends, through which they are showing Ren. This brings us to the question of whether the commitment to the good is a necessity or merely a matter of choice. Considering Confucius’ views, I stand with the view that this commitment is not a necessity.

  • Difference Between Aristotle And Confucius

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    Scholars Aristotle and Confucius are both well-known people in history. Aristotle was an incredible Greek rationalist and researcher while Confucius was a Chinese government official, a savant, and an instructor. They both made huge commitments to ideals and morals. Their thoughtful works were comparable in nature, yet with some unique perspectives, thoughts, and points of view toward temperance. Their rationalities are still being used today. They were incredible masterminds with awesome impact

  • Why Confucius Promoted Essay

    597 Words  | 3 Pages

    What do they tell us about the system of morality Confucius promoted? -The system Confucius promoted was for every person to be the best they can be. It was okay to make mistakes, but what he wanted was for everyone to learn how to accept them and fix them. He also wanted everyone one to learn how to appreciate each other and notice when others appreciates them. Confucius system focused a lot on trust, respect, good morals and being benevolent. He strongly believed that “If a man sets his heart

  • To Kill A Mockingbird Confucius Analysis

    1179 Words  | 5 Pages

    Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, once said “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising everytime we fall”. What Confucius means by this is for society to succeed we have to take a few step back to keep moving forward. There will always be things that set you back in life, but there is always a way to conquer them. It may seem hard to find a way around, but if you see it from a different angle, you can find a way. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee the characters have

  • Compare And Contrast Confucius And Mencius

    1353 Words  | 6 Pages

    In the discussion on the methods of governing and administration of a state, one cannot leave out the models proposed by Confucius as well as Mencius. Both advocated that the ruler or the government has to rule by virtue and strengthen moral education among its people. Political leaders have to set moral examples for the people to follow, and to be benevolent towards their subordinates and citizens. By doing so, that would bring about social stability and population growth within the state, also

  • Confucius Vs Aristotle Analysis

    2270 Words  | 10 Pages

    Aristo lived in 4th century BC in today’s Greece, developed ideas on several subjects from logic and metaphysics to empirical biology. Confucius, on the other hand, had lived in today’s China in 6th century BC, and was a political thinker and educator whose work mostly focused on the ideal social order and ethics. These two distinct philosophers both left extensive ideas on how political and social order should be. This paper will compare and contrast these two influential thinkers in terms of their

  • Confucius: Filial Piety In Chinese Culture

    1915 Words  | 8 Pages

    In the 5th century BCE, China was in a state of _. A philosophy, Confucius, gave voice to a philosophy of harmonious hierachy. Despite the little we know of this figure's life, we know of his stance on tradition and discipline. His ruler, a duke, was a frivolous sovereign, and in his disappointment, Confucius left court. His focus on ritual propriety, the Li, influenced his entire body of work, and coloured his views on how all social relationships ought be conducted. He believed in a society

  • Similarities Between Confucius And The Master Kong

    293 Words  | 2 Pages

    However, a new era of responsibility began guided by Confucius was known as “The Master Kong”. Confucius’s idea initiated from Duke of Zhou ideas and he carried them to his philosophies. Duke of Zhou philosophy was that in order to legitimize after their conquest to the Shang Dynasty, he created the philosophy of a Mandate of Heaven. Duke believed that Shang dynasty lost the battle because they were corrupt and his rule was based on injustices. Duke also believed that heaven was responsible for

  • How Did Confucius Influence Chinese Culture

    1553 Words  | 7 Pages

    Confucius only taught around 3,000 students during his lifetime in the Zhou Dynasty, but his ideas and values became integrated with the Chinese culture of the past and the present (Ames). He created a syllabus for mastering the “six arts” and inspired those who followed his principles to become effective citizens. Although no one knows much about his life, he greatly influence the way China grew into what it is today. Confucius was born in 551 B.C.E. in the feudal state of Lu (Ames). His father

  • Comparison Of Confucianism And The Ways

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    Some people thought Confucius was a form of religion, and was not a real person, but he indeed was a real person. Confucius traveled along the Far East, he was a great teacher, and he left a path behind him when he passed away. Confucius believed that everyone should have compassion for everything, especially towards people. Confucius grew up as a simple boy, but later turned into a bright teacher. He set an example of how we should act in more than one way. When Confucius was born, no one knew

  • Virtue Ethics And Confucianism

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    (Li 1). Examples of Confucius in the work place emphasize on building long-term connections, incorporating harmony, and cooperative principles in order to create an effective, organized, and collaborative work environment. The study also assessed how incorporating Confucianism into a business positively affected sales. The customer and shop worker not only communicated better but the study also shows if the manager were to have out any quotes or small artifacts about Confucius, that the customer would

  • Describe The Family In The Four Book Of Confucianism

    414 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dwayne Mattushik Confucius Family background is very poor and his dad died when he was only a baby and had a widow mother take care of him Teaching and preaching Lu as a public official was the profession that Confucius apparent failure. Using evidence from the analects three adjectives that describe Confucius character his family was very poor The three schools of ancient China’s problems and solutions different from those of Confucius is legalism which is the rule of law enforced by punishment

  • Slide 1: Historical Origins Of Confucianism

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    founded by Confucius during the late 6th century B.C.E, a time of great political turmoil for China. During this time Slide 3: “Confucius” Richard: Confucius was an influential Chinese philosopher who is given credit for founding Confucianism. He lived from 551 to 479 B.C, famously known as a wise teacher of models of social interaction. While his neighbours in India were obsessed with the big mysteries of existence such as the origin or the universe, god or the afterlife. Confucius was solely focused

  • Benefits Of Confucianism

    817 Words  | 4 Pages

    Confucianism also reinforced centralised authority and vertical hierarchical order by paternalistic management (Chung, Lee, & Jung, 1997; Lee, 1998). Can be seen that the values of Confucius management system look similar with the Japanese. Indeed, Japanese also applied the traditional Confucius to its culture. However, the Confucius that applied in Chinese have been flexible in many times interpretation of their philosophy

  • Early Confucian Concept Of Friendship

    1126 Words  | 5 Pages

    an important issue as Confucius himself always advocates cultivating of virtues. Lastly, this essay will also be explaining why Early Confucians thinkers believe it is necessary for friendship to be grounded in commitment to the good, and how it is still applicable in today’s context. Firstly, how does one make friends? According to Tseng Tzu, “A gentlemen makes friends through being cultivated, but looks to friends for support in benevolence.” (Analects 12:24) Confucius himself also advocates

  • Mencius Summary

    1268 Words  | 6 Pages

    Professor Kwong-loi Shun. This book is to explore the possibilities of the text (Roetz, 1999, p. 385) and to study the reflective ethical thinking of Mencius with subsequent references to and comparisons with that of other early Chinese thinkers such as Confucius, Mo Tsu, the Yangists and Hsün Tsu, through assessing and analyzing traditional and contemporary interpretations of the Meng-tzu in commentaries and translations. By ethical thinking, the author means thinking about how one should live; a conception

  • Confucianism In The Song Dynasty

    485 Words  | 2 Pages

    and harmony of relationships. Moreover, it pushed for a well-ordered society by accentuating human relationships, a righteous leader and a good education. Confucius, a philosopher and a teacher, founded Confucianism. He grew up in the period of warring states, a time of chaos and internal hostilities during the Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, Confucius’ ultimate goal was to transform the Chinese society into a state of unity and righteous. However, Confucianism did not flourish until the Han Dynasty. It

  • Daoism And Confucianism In China

    251 Words  | 2 Pages

    In China there are three prominent religions that are followed, Daoism, Confucianism and Buddhism. Daoist are usually concerned with unity with the natural universe and everyone is born good. Confucianism is the establishing of human laws and rights that are maintained to prove that all humans are good. Buddhism takes the path of spiritual development hoping to see the true nature of reality because they believe that nothing is fixed or eternal. Confucianism and Daoism are both oriental religions