Digestive system Essays

  • The Digestive System: The Digestive System In The Human Body

    957 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the human body, one of the essential systems is the digestive system, which breaks down the foods what we eat into nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats. The bloodstream would be absorbed by them. Therefore, it provides the body with energy, repair and growth. Also, the three types of processes that food passes through in the human body are digestion, absorption and elimination. The digestive system prepares the body cells for nutrients through six activities: Ingestion

  • Digestive System Speech

    819 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hi! Today we’ll be talking about the Digestive System. The Digestive System is a team of organs that help break down, and absorb nutrients from the food we eat. Allow me to show you how. Part 1 – THE MOUTH It begins in the mouth, where your teeth and tongue help eachother to physically break the food into smaller pieces by chewing the food. This is known as mechanical digestion (Mechanical & Chemical Digestion). The salivary glands excrete amylase, an enzyme that helps break down starch. The

  • A Newborn's Digestive System

    621 Words  | 3 Pages

    Where is the digestive system located? The digestive system is a continuous tube that is composed of a complex series of organs and glands which extends from the mouth to the anus through the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. It is responsible for breaking down food into forms that can be absorbed and used by the body’s cells. It also absorbs water, vitamins, and minerals, and eliminates wastes from the body. (psio book) List the main types of microbes present. Substantial numbers of microbes

  • Digestive System Research Paper

    508 Words  | 3 Pages

    The digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The GI tract is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. The hollow organs that make up the GI tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (which includes the rectum) and anus.5 Food enters the mouth and passes to the anus through the hollow organs of the GI tract. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are the solid

  • Digestive System Research Paper

    917 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Digestive System The digestive system is a system consisting of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, the rectum and the anus. The functions of the digestive system are: • To break down food particles into molecules for digestion • To absorb into the bloodstream the small molecules produced by digestion • To eliminate un digested and unabsorbed foodstuffs and other waste products from the body The full digestive process begins at the mouth. The food

  • Digestive System Research Paper

    778 Words  | 4 Pages

    The digestive system is made up of all sorts of different little pockets and organs. In class while we made the human digestive system out of recycled materials, it helped everyone in the class (the ones that patricated) what exated the main organs in the digestive system are. Also where they are mainly located in the body and the functions of them. Although it was hard at some points in the project, with trying to get certain materials to act as organ, it was a fun learning experience I think.

  • Digestive System Study Guide

    674 Words  | 3 Pages

    BODY SYSTEMS a) Describe the role of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and the renal system. b) Describe the roles of the parts of each system, and any feature that help them to carry this out. 1. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Digestive system is uniquely established to perform specific roles. There are two types of digestion: • Mechanical digestion: starts in the mouth, when food is chewed is broke in small pieces. • Chemical digestion: The main function of this system is to covert food into small

  • Digestive System-And-Related Diseases

    1037 Words  | 5 Pages

    Good evening samia,I will explain to you general information about the digestive system and related diseases and the prevention of diseases related to it Digestive system: A long, tortuous canal begins with the mouth and ends with the anus. Which is responsible for digestion of food by converting complex and large food molecules into smaller, absorbable molecules that can penetrate through cellular membranes. This process is performed by mechanical effects caused by muscles and teeth and chemical

  • Single Stomached Digestive System Essay

    642 Words  | 3 Pages

    The single stomached digestive system is found in animals for example dogs or a horse. In the single stomached digestive system the stomach is a sac like structure which is designed to store large quantities of food and to continue the digestive process. A series of folds called gastric folds are located on the interior surface of the stomach. These gastric folds help digest and food. The inner stomach lining secretes enzymes to break the food down and acids. Partially digested food leaves the stomach

  • How Digestive System Work Together

    804 Words  | 4 Pages

    The digestive system is a major component of our body, without it we wouldn't be able to receive the essential nutrients to live our daily lives. The digestive system consists of a number of organs, required for it to work correctly. Mouth The beginning of the digestive system starts at the mouth. The process of digestion actually occurs before you consume food. When you see, smell, taste or think about food your body prepares for the food it expects to arrive. This starts in your mouth where

  • Digestive System: Definitions Of The Human Body

    812 Words  | 4 Pages

    Digestive system – *The digestive system is composed of the mouth cavity, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, and glands. *The mouth cavity is bounded by the upper and lower jaws. *The tongue islong, slender and deeply forked. It has a muscular sheath into which it may retract. The tongue is sensitive and is used

  • Pros And Cons Of The Human Digestive System

    1380 Words  | 6 Pages

    The human digestive system is a system by which ingested food is acted upon by physical and chemical means to provide the body with absorbable nutrients and to excrete waste products (digestive system, 2017). It is vital for humans to understand the way their body works, to be able to main it in the best way possible. In mammals, the system includes the alimentary canal extending from the mouth to the anus, and the hormones and enzymes assisting in digestion (digestive system, 2017). With the topic

  • What Role Does Gut Play In The Digestive System

    659 Words  | 3 Pages

    eliminatation of the waste material, therefore its malfunction is compromising for whole boby. The digestive system or tract includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine or colon and rectum, and the end is the anus. The entire system is about 9 meters long. The salivary glands in the mouth, contains an enzyme, amylase, which breaks down starch. Teeth, which are part of the skeletal system, play a key role in digestion. Swallowing pushes down chewed food, passing through the oropharynx

  • Essay On The Digestive System

    777 Words  | 4 Pages

    such as central nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system, and respiratory system. The central nervous system maintains the body and brain activity it is composed of two sections the brain and the spinal cord this system executes multiple functions that regulate voluntary and involuntary operations such as speech, walking, blinking and breathing these senses are stimulated by the system of neurons, neurons are cells within the nervous system. Neurons consists of four

  • Explain How Might The Digestive System And The Circulatory System Work Together

    251 Words  | 2 Pages

    the skeletal system the muscular system the nervous system digestive system the circulatory system and the respiratory system all of these systems are organized with cells, and tissue these make our organs and makes our systems. 2. Describe how the body systems affect one another. How body systems affect each other is for example when the circulatory system works with the respiratory system. They work together because when you breathe in you take in oxygen and the respiratory system does its job

  • Koalala's Digestive System

    418 Words  | 2 Pages

    In herbivores their digestive system is much larger than comparably sized carnivores. A Koala’s diet mainly consists of eucalyptus leaves, these leaves contain a large amount of water; because of this the Koala rarely needs to drink water. Eucalyptus leaves are tough so the Koala’s teeth play an important role in digestion as they need strong teeth to consume the eucalyptus leaves. The first part of the digestive tract is the mouth and teeth, there are 30 teeth for chewing in a Koala’s mouth, just

  • Essay On Frog Digestive System

    826 Words  | 4 Pages

    Discussion: The digestive system of an earthworm is suited to the their habitat underground in many ways. The Prostomium is at the mouth and makes cracks for the earthworm to go through to allow the worm to move around. The digestive system is also suited to the worms habitat because the organs are spaces out so that the worm can stretch out to move through the soil easily. The frog’s digestive system is suited to its habitat because the tongue is attached to the front of the frogs mouth to allow

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

    390 Words  | 2 Pages

    Our bodies contain many different organs, functions, and systems that assist our bodies in maintaining homeostasis. The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients allowing the body to use it for energy, growth, or cell repair. The digestive system consists of organs such as the small intestine, large intestine, esophagus, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. Once food goes through your mouth it goes to the esophagus which helps pass the food into the stomach, the stomach breaks down the food further

  • The Respiratory And Circulatory System

    1965 Words  | 8 Pages

    The four systems are the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, lymphatic system and the urinary system. The digestive system is divided into two sections i.e. the alimentary canal this is about nine meters long which starts from the mouth and ends at the anus. The second section is the accessory organs these are organs which assist with digestion, absorption and storage of food substances. This includes the pancreas, liver and the gall bladder. Digestion is the process

  • Leiomyomas In Cats

    803 Words  | 4 Pages

    intestine or stomach in cats are known as gastric leiomyomas. Leiomyomas typically form in the smooth muscles in the digestive tract and stomach and have the appearance of tough, white tissue. Leiomyomas are rare and don 't typically spread to the lymph nodes or other organs in the body. Leiomyomas pose a problem when they obstruct solid and liquid waste from flowing through the digestive tract. The tumors can grow large enough to displace the surrounding organs, which causes secondary complications