Factory farming Essays

  • Factory Farming Dangers

    1124 Words  | 5 Pages

    The dangers of Factory Farming in America Traditionally farm cows and chickens roam around the wild free to eat whatever they wanted and have unlimited space. But now in the need for more food for the fastly increasing population. Factory farms have taken over the lives and wellbeing of these animals. Now “Broiler Chickens” and farm cows are confined to little spaces and are being fed food that doesn't fit their diet. The way broiler chickens and farm cows are raised is cruel, unhealthy for the

  • Factory Farming Controversy

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    the world has seen heightened controversy due to leaked images of unethical treatment of animals. The industry hit hardest by this controversy is known as industrial agriculture or factory farms. Factory farms are very large centers that produce much of the meat, eggs, dairy, and other foodstuffs we consume. Factory farms have attempted to fight this bad press by sponsoring laws that outlaw the sharing of any images without the farm owner’s permission. I’ll argue that an effective New York Times

  • Factory Farming Is Bad Essay

    2037 Words  | 9 Pages

    Why is factory farming one of the worst things in America? Factory farming is extremely cruel and has harsh conditions for the livestock. Factory farming is a type of farming that raises and keeps livestock in crowded small pens, this type of farming is harmful to people as well as the environment. Specifically factory farms have operated the same way since the 1980s, in factory farms livestock are treated cruelly as well as abused. People get sick from the waste and the diseases in the livestock

  • Animal Cruelty In Factory Farming

    332 Words  | 2 Pages

    to this environment are at risk of dangerous bacteria such as E. Coli. Factory farming is a method where animals are kept in an unnatural environment to stimulate more meat and egg production. Per Journal of Animal Ethics written by Drew Leder, Leder introduces the topic of animal cruelty found in factory farms. The article discusses how the culture views these animals as “machine,” fed and breed for human consumption. Factory farms serve a purpose of providing mass-production and consumption for

  • Factory Farming Is Inhumane Essay

    513 Words  | 3 Pages

    I researched the effects that factory farming has on animals, humans, and our community because I wanted to know exactly what happens to the animals that we are consuming. Factory farming is defined as “a system of rearing livestock using intensive methods, by which poultry, pigs, or cattle are confined indoors under strictly controlled conditions.” This topic should interest the reader because the process of factory farming is very inhumane and many people do not know what is actually in the meat

  • Ethical Dilemmas Of Factory Farming

    1347 Words  | 6 Pages

    Chickens are commonly regarded as the world’s most abused animal. Due to widespread consumption, around 8.6 billion chickens are slaughtered annually, which translates to roughly 300 chickens per second (Runkle, 2017, p.17). Factory farming is the method in which chickens are slaughtered for mass processing. For decades, chicken has been the protein of choice for many families, due to clever advertising. For example, in a 1929 presidential campaign, the Republican candidate promised “‘a chicken in

  • Why Is Factory Farming Bad

    314 Words  | 2 Pages

    Industrial farming is intensive animal farming it’s also called factory farming. Animals are stuck in cages all day. More than 9.3 million cows were used to produce milk in the United States in 2008. More than 2.5 million dairy cows were slaughtered for meat. Usually just within hours of birth, calves are taken away from their mothers. (Farm) People don’t like industrial farming because animals have no access outside and there keep in temperatures that are intended to maximize production at a low

  • Factory Farming Video Analysis

    540 Words  | 3 Pages

    After watching and reading these facts about the conditions that animals are forced to endure on factory farms you might be displeased to learn that 99% of all of the meat that is sold in the United States comes from factory farms. What is Factory Farming? A factory farm is a large, industrial operation that raises large numbers of animals for food. Over 99% of farm animals in the U.S. are raised in factory farms, which focus on profit and efficiency at the expense of animal

  • Argument Against Factory Farming

    1685 Words  | 7 Pages

    Every year over 56 billion farmed animals are killed by humans. This shocking statistic is the result of the factory farming system that has plagued the world, America especially. Factory farming is a system that began in the early 1900’s that is focused on farming animals in large numbers in a very small amount of time. The animals in these factory farms are often forced into confined spaces and inhumane conditions. Pigs are kept in small cages called gestation crates where they are unable to move

  • The Pros And Cons Of Factory Farming

    826 Words  | 4 Pages

    WHEN WATER KILLS Factory farming is the mass production of farm produce that is aimed at providing food at larger scale to consumers. This monstrous size of operations includes; crops, livestock, poultry, etc. Factory farm is a highly controversial topic between animal rights advocates, environmentalists, farmers and corporations. The effects of this practice, both positive and negative, extend to everyone. The operations have raised troubling questions about water quality and threat to public

  • Ethos And Pathos For Factory Farming

    803 Words  | 4 Pages

    I chose to write about factory farming because I’m with familiar with it. Growing up on a 500-acre farm has given me the chance to scrutinize the importance that they are to our community. Throughout my childhood there was always fresh meat and vegetables on the table. When other families were worrying about the recent recall on the type of meat they had just purchased or the chemicals being sprayed onto their fruits and vegetable, I was left wondering why these other families just didn’t do as we

  • Summary: Bleak Consequences Of Factory Farming

    517 Words  | 3 Pages

    Bleak Consequences of Factory Farming In the U.S., four companies control the meat industry; killing 81% of cows, 73% of sheep, 57% of pigs, and produce 50% of the nation’s chickens. (Testimony by Leland Swenson, president of the U.S. National Farmers’ Union, before the House Judiciary Committee, September 12, 2000). Factory farm practices are not humane: not for the environment and certainly not for the animals. Industrial agriculture is a relatively modern practice, emerging during the American

  • Pros Of Factory Farming

    1619 Words  | 7 Pages

    Did you know that in factory farms, the majority of chickens, turkeys, and ducks have their beaks removed to prevent cannibalism? What about that egg-laying hens are sometimes starved up to 14 days, exposed to different light patterns, and not given water to shock their bodies into molting? Many people live their lives not knowing of the cruelties that occur in a factory farm. Last year I had an older friend that worked at a factory farm specifically for pigs. One day when I was visiting him, I asked

  • Factory Farming Is Inhumane

    866 Words  | 4 Pages

    you think factory farming is? Do you think it’s inhumane? Factory farming is how we get our food, there are cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys, etc. The farmers inject the animals with antibiotics to make them grow bigger. The animals grow so big they can’t hold their weight, the females have to get pregnant so the farmers can make more money for the animals, they get locked up in cages and do not have fresh air or sunlight. This is how it is for most to all of the animals. Factory farming is inhumane

  • Disadvantages Of Factory Farming In The United States

    1110 Words  | 5 Pages

    Oxford Dictionary, “factory farming,” also referred to as “industrial farming,” is “a system of rearing livestock using intensive methods, by which poultry, pigs, or cattle are confined indoors under strictly controlled conditions.” Contrary to what some animal activist groups might argue, there are indeed great benefits of factory farming, including the employment of around 700,000 full- and part-time workers in the US (“Factory Farm Workers”). Other benefits of factory farming that relate to the

  • The Argumentative Essay: The Benefits Of Factory Farming

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    with so many flies. Seeing the unsanitary location where the food you serve your family is coming from. You have just walked through a factory farm. Throughout the United States, there are “over 7,800 facilities” (United States Department of Agriculture) where animals are held in horrible living conditions and treated unfairly. “Each full grown chicken in a factory farm has as little as six-tenths of a square foot

  • Factory Farming Research Paper

    879 Words  | 4 Pages

    exposure people have to the realities of factory farming, the more we will see people rejecting it. It's already happening”(Jonathan Safran Foer). Factory farming has been going on since the 1900’s. Factory Farming is the production of livestock in large quantities for uses such as food supplies. Factory Farming is damaging to the animals, our bodies, and the environment. Life for animals in a factory farm is inhumane. Some of the equipment used on factory farms are “battery cages- they used to confine

  • Factory Farming Threats

    1311 Words  | 6 Pages

    Is Factory Farming a threat to human health and the environment? Today, people are creating alternative ways to improve our way of living. They came up with factory farming, which is a modern agricultural industry that mass produce animals for the purpose of supplying food/products for human needs. Factory farm sites holds large number of animals to be raised for food in a confined space in an area to minimize operation cost, and the mass production brings down the food prices as they could produce

  • Factory Farming Effects

    774 Words  | 4 Pages

    compared to the environment. It instituted when Americans wanted a better way to grow their food that was cheaper, faster to grow, and easier to take care of. Even though farmers are cultured, and know how to keep the environment safe, industrial farming is bad because it wastes money and it harms the water supply. Farmers misuse their money with all the extra things they don’t necessarily need for their farm. Throughout time farmers wanted to change their ways to make life easier, with all the things

  • Annotated Bibliography On Factory Farming

    758 Words  | 4 Pages

    ways that animals are being treated and killed in factory farms. Although there are laws protecting the animals there is no effort to enforce those laws, factory farms continue inhumane practices regularly. Many people are unaware of what really happens at these farms and this article exposes the lies that factory farms are hiding behind. Society has come to a profit at any means necessary and the proper treatment of animals is the last things factory farms will