Film theory Essays

  • Feminist Film Theory

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    Paper The Other Feminist Film Theory During the mid-20th century, second and third wave feminism swept the nation. The feminist movements focused on combating the roles associated with being a woman and, in turn, lead them to critique how women are represented in media. The feminist movement emerged in media as Feminist Film theory, where the leading women of the mid-20th century analyzed representations of women in film(media). Unfortunately, the leading feminist film theorists where white women

  • The Importance Of Film Theory

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    Film theory is a gathering of interpretative systems created after some time keeping in mind the end goal to see better the way movies are made and got. Film hypothesis is not an independent field: it acquires from the controls of logic, craftsmanship hypothesis, sociology, social hypothesis, brain science, artistic hypothesis, etymology, financial matters, and political science. Medium specificity: Early film scholars had two primary worries: to legitimize silver screen as a work of art and to

  • Auteur Theory In The Film 'The Godfather'

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    of the film. He’s drifting, as he tells his father in one scene. He doesn’t have a set goal in mind. He’s just floating and hoping that he doesn’t drown. He needs something to fill this void, and then comes Ms. Robinson, but she only fills it momentarily. I feel that

  • Theories Of Realism In Film

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    of film theory, there are several approaches theorists have taken. Sergei Eisenstein is prominently known for his contributing theories in the approach of Soviet Montage in film while Andre Bazin is known for his contributions in the theoretical approach of Realism in film as well. Rudolf Arnheim is a theorist who is prominently known for his contributions of the psychological approach of film. In his written piece of “Film Art, Rudolf Arnheim presents a series of theories that apply to film, especially

  • The Feminist Film Theory

    2928 Words  | 12 Pages

    Feminist film theory Feminist scholars point out that there is misogyny in the mainstream media that treat women as inferior and objects. They expressed that there is a need to explore representations and images of women. Feminist film theory makes gender its exploratory focus and it has emerged to find a place for women in films; they were frustrated with how feminist studies ignore critiques and works of media, particularly films. Conventionally, the representations of media are counter to the

  • Film Authorship Theories

    711 Words  | 3 Pages

    MacCabe and Caldwell both analyze film authorship as a collective process ad a collaborative effort, but this does not mean that their ideas are interchangeable. Compare and contrast one key difference and one point of significant overlap between MacCabe and Caldwell’s theories. Film authorship is a fascinating topic for discussion because it had an enormous influence on the development of the industry. MacCabe and Caldwell propose similar film authorship theories that highlight the importance of

  • Uncertainty Reduction Theory In The Film 'Hitch'

    515 Words  | 3 Pages

    My theory is the Uncertainty Reduction theory. The program was developed in 1975 by Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese. It is a communication theory from the post positivist tradition. It is also one of the only communication theories that specifically looks into the initial interaction between people prior to the actual communication process. The theory asserts the notion that, when interacting, people need information about the other party in order to reduce their uncertainty. In gaining this

  • The String Theory In The Film The Elegant Universe

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    believe that the String theory is not fully supported because there are still more details and support that could be added to this theory. String theory is another step up for us to understand more about our universe. Scientists came up with the string theory to describe how organisms can be multiplied and interact with one another in space. In my opinion, scientists should just work with math because math is more convincing than any theories like the string theory. The string theory is not completely

  • Standpoint Theory In The Film 'The Last Samurai'

    761 Words  | 4 Pages

    One of the theories that is evident in the movie ‘The Last Samurai’ is the standpoint theory. It explains that social groups shape people’s knowledge, individual experiences, behaviours and communication which happen because they belong to a single group. Standpoint theory brings into view a framework that enables the understanding of power systems. The theory also presents how social groups affect individuals’ lives. When people have a common interest because their common grouping, it means that

  • Response To Leonard's Essay 'What Is The Male Gaze?'

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    In her essay "What is the Male Gaze?", Leonard argues that there is a clear bias towards men in media, where women are often depicted as passive objects to be looked at by men. She notes that this bias extends beyond just visual media like film and television but also influences other forms of media such as literature and advertising. Leonard's argument highlights how pervasive this issue is across various forms of media. On the other hand, Kelly Oliver's essay "The male gaze is more relevant and

  • Gender Stereotypes In Mean Girls

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    Cultural theories by Kathleen Rowe, Laura Mulvey and Stuart Hall can help the audience seek an explanation to how these stereotypical gender roles are portrayed in the movie and how it can create power for the specific

  • Laura Mulvey's The Male Gaze And Objectification Theory

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    The Male Gaze and Objectification Theory In her highly influential essay, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema,” Laura Mulvey proposed the film theory, The Male Gaze. It refers to the way film is generally structured around a masculine viewer and how the feminine view is notably absent even when women view fellow women in film. Describing the tendency in visual culture to depict the world and women from a masculine point of view and in terms of men 's attitudes, she argues that “the most insidious

  • Marxian Theory In The Film The Bicycle Thief

    1011 Words  | 5 Pages

    Marxian Theory This essay is a critical analysis of the theories given by Karl Marx of class struggles and alienation with specific emphasis on the concept of 'bourgeois' and 'proletariat' and it is illustrated with the help of the Italian film 'The Bicycle Thief'. Karl Marx is a German sociologist and has given many theories till date. His theories of society are important as they are concentrated on economic issues whereby he has connected economic problems to social institutions and

  • Frontier Theory: Gender Roles In Disney Films

    343 Words  | 2 Pages

    text identifies gender roles in Disney films in relation to the frontier theory. This text shows the boundaries that surround Disney films when it comes to gender. This is something we don’t think about when we are watching Disney films because these films are geared towards young children and you would never think of the negative messages within these films. The central thesis of this text is how Disney films identify the gendered “world view” that these films provide for younger viewers. I believe

  • Social Bond Theory In The Film Bowling For Columbine

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    Social bond theory was described in the textbook as,”Hirschi argued that through successful socialization a bond forms between individuals and the social group. When that bond is weakened or broken, deviance and crime may result” (127). In the film Bowling for Columbine it described Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold as socially outcasts from the school. Connecting back to social bond theory Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did not have bonds within the school as they were not in social norms and acted against

  • Psychodynamic Theories Of Personality In The Film The Good Son

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    Theory According to Vito and Maahs (2011), Psychodynamic Theory is A view that explains personality in terms of conscious and unconscious forces, such as unconscious desires and beliefs. Sigmund Freud proposed a psychodynamic theory according to which personality consists of the id (responsible for instincts and pleasure-seeking), the superego (which attempts to obey the rules of parents and society), and the ego (which mediates between them according to the demands of reality) (p.113). Homicide

  • Movie Making: The Role Of Women In Film Making

    1731 Words  | 7 Pages

    Film making, many would argue, has gone through quite the substantial change since it’s initial coining just before the turn of the 19th century. But one would argue, that the largest amount of this change has came quite recently or more so in the latter part of films history as a whole. One of the largest changes haven taken place, is the role of women in film. Once upon a time having a very set role in the industry, such as editing for example. To mention briefly the likes of Dede Allen, Verna

  • Miss Piggy Kenya Brennan Analysis

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    There are many ideas as to what makes a feminist icon. Samantha Brennan discusses about a childhood female character that represents feminism and a body-confident role model. In her article "Miss Piggy's Feminism, Redefining Human Relationships through Martial Arts" Brennan creates an educational diction through viewing how Miss Piggy from The Muppet Show has the potential to be a feminist icon. Writing with a proud and didactic tone throughout her article, she shows how Miss Piggy's character is

  • Physical Appearances In Short Stories

    1995 Words  | 8 Pages

    Many characters’ appearances in stories define them before they even speak. Similar to when people judge one another based on their clothing, the audience of a story makes assumptions about the characters by what they wear. However, the characters’ clothing does much more than convey information about the wearer: it sets the scene, interacting and blending with the setting to create cohesion. Memoirs of a Geisha, “Miss Brill,” Suits, and Hannibal all portray central characters whose descriptions

  • Voyeurism In Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window

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    Voyeurism is a concept that has been used in Freudian analysis to describe the arousal and excitement incited by peering at a person without their knowledge. Within media, voyeurism is often tied to scenes of men spying on women, especially during intimate or private moments, projecting their sexual fantasies onto them. In Freudian analysis, the term “scopophilia” is used to describe a person actively engaging in voyeurism (Jackson and Hogg). Freud defined scopophilia as beginning in childhood, with