Formulation Essays

  • Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy

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    History of the PIT R.F. Hobson established and clarified psychodynamic interpersonal therapy over the progression of 30 years of study. The first training package and manual were developed in 1983 with a videotape-teaching package, which was developed by Margison and Hobson. This package consisted of three videotapes in which model is described with its main aspects. Afterwards, Shapiro and Startup developed a brief manual and rating scale for depression in 1991 (Guthrie, 1999). The model was constructed

  • Albumin-Bound Formulations

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    Albumin-bound formulations Abraxane was the first albumin-bound chemotherapeutic agent to get FDA approval. It contained PTX (a taxane) non-covalently bound to nano-albumin (nab), and was prepared by homogenization of PTX in association with human serum albumin. Multiple PTX molecules (hydrophobic in nature) were bound to each nab. Preclinical studies (in rats) showed equivalent efficacy and improved safety when compared with Taxol (PTX formulation in Cremophor solvent). Clinical trials of Abraxane

  • Psychological Case Formulation Analysis

    2152 Words  | 9 Pages

    Psychological case formulation is a hypothesis about the predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and protective factors (4Ps) that contribute to the understanding of an individual’s problems (Eells, 2007). Formulations are rooted in theory and research (Kuyken, Fothergill, Musa, & Chadwick, 2005), and aid in identifying which direction treatment should head towards, as well as potential barriers that might be encountered (Levenson & Strupp, 2007). These are dynamic can be revised in the event that

  • Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Technology In Education

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    Technological advancements have made the world a great and convenient place to live in. there is no denying of how they make lives better and easier, especially in the fields of science, medicine and education. but, like most things, technology also has its drawbacks. in fact, some of the more recent inventions are now being categorized as lazy aids and are considered major contributors of obesity and a generally unhealthy populations. Can the same thing be said for technology used in the classroom

  • Immanuel Kant: Theoretical And Practical Formulation

    382 Words  | 2 Pages

    thing, not because of something that makes it good (Week 4 Lesson). He believes that lying is wrong and we should never lie even if the result is not good. He also talks about Categorical Imperative which has two formulations: Theoretical and Practical Formulation. Applying these two formulation into the dilemma we have this week about the Crazed Murderer, I supposed to tell the murderer that my friend went home to hide when he comes to my door looking for my friend. Because Kant says, “do not make exceptions

  • Analysis Of Immanuel Kant's Humanity Formulation

    305 Words  | 2 Pages

    Immanuel Kant’s humanity formulation of the categorical imperative asserts that one should “act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never as a mere means, but always at the same time as an end.” In Kant’s humanity formulation, humanity is all persons, mere means is using a person a “tool” without dignity and respect, and as an end means treating a person with dignity and respect. The conditions of the contract made between William

  • Second Formulation Of Category Imperative Essay

    477 Words  | 2 Pages

    something that is not granted for patents, ask to get patents and then sue companies to get money. Is this thing morally wrong? According to Kantianism theory, the action of patent trolls companies is definitely a good will. Moreover, the Second Formulation of Category Imperative is stated that, {Act so that you always treat both yourself and other people as ends in themselves, and never only as a means to an end.}, no one wants to treat others just to take money from them cruelly. But patent trolls

  • The DSM-5 And Prior Versions Of The Cultural Formulation

    856 Words  | 4 Pages

    The DSM-5 and prior versions are strongly biased toward a Western view of what is acceptable behavior. Some criteria considered as mental illness could, in fact, be considered normal in another culture. (Varcarolis, 102016, p. 15) The Cultural Formulation Model is a very much perceived tool to use to give an inside and out investigation of the patient 's issues with regards to culture. The model has five classes: social personality of the individual, social clarification of the individual 's disease

  • Case Formulation And Counselling Skills For Children: A Case Study

    703 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Case Study with Case Formulation and Counselling skills for Children Formulation is one of the core skills practiced by psychologists. The development and maintenance of the client's problems and needs are elicited through a framework drawn on from psychological research and practice. It integrates knowledge acquired through assessment using 'psychological, biological and systemic factors and procedures'. Formulation may involve many hypotheses by drawing on various theoretical models, and provides

  • What Role Did Nationalism Play In The Formulation Of Foreign Policy Between 1800-1825

    527 Words  | 3 Pages

    To what extent did nationalism play a role in the formulation of foreign policy between 1800-1825? Nationalism played a role in numerous of things such as the Monroe Doctrine and the Embargo act etc. The United States were tired of being pushed around by these other countries which led to the creation of the acts and as well later resulted into the war of 1812. They also wanted to claim all the land they possibly could in America so they could keep this a “Great Nation” and no other random countries

  • Metoprolol Tartrate Lab Report

    1478 Words  | 6 Pages

    s q. s q. s q. s q. s q. s Table no.1 Formulation Table   Table No.2: Physicochemical properties of the prepared buccal patches of Metoprolol Tartrate Formulations Folding Endurance* Tensile Strength* (%) Percentage Elongation* (%) Percentage Moisture absorption* (%) Percentage Moisture loss*(%) Drug Content* (%) F1 315 ± 2.516 38.72±1.10 143±1 3.89±0

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study

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    of in-situ gel to maintain fluidity of the formulation before administration and resulted in gelation when the formulation was added to simulated gastric fluid. In-situ Gel Formulation of ETD was characterized to identify the best formulation. All the formulations were off white to pale yellow colored solution. They had pH in the range of 7.02-7.30. Viscosity of the formulation was determined using Brookfield Viscometer. The viscosity of the formulation increased with an increase in Sodium Alginate

  • Kant's Analysis of the Categorical Imperative

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    “Realm of Ends” formulation of the categorical imperative, states that we must “act in accordance with the maxims of a member giving universal laws for merely possible kingdom of ends.” (4:439) It acts as a social contract. Kant further explains it that “a rational being belongs

  • Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)

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    A case formulation helps organize information about a person, particularly when that information contains contradictions or inconsistencies in behavior, emotion, and thought content. Ideally, it contains structures that permit the therapist to understand these contradictions and to categorize important classes of information within a sufficiently encompassing view of the patient. A case formulation also serves as a blueprint guiding treatment and as a

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Study

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    evaluation of therapy formulation are- effectiveness and cost effectiveness. Effectiveness can be seen only when a formulation prescribed interventions lead to desired change in the clients functioning and achievement of the client’s goals; and by cost-effectiveness it is meant that, different therapy formulations are compared to alternative effective approaches; it achieves the desired outcome with less time and effort and in a more economical manner. These steps to case formulation are used as a springboard

  • Tender Support And Cranberry Research Paper

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    What are the Contraindications/Interactions of Bladder Confidence? • None yet known. • If taking prescription medication, pregnant, or breastfeeding, please consult a Healthcare professional prior to taking this formulation if any concerns are expressed. • If any symptoms arise (that you find concerning) that last for more than 24-48hours, see your Healthcare professional. What is the Dosage Recommendation for Bladder Confidence? Adults: Take 1-2 tablets daily

  • Captain Miller's Code Of Kantian Ethics

    659 Words  | 3 Pages

    philosophy emphasizing the importance of rationality, duty, and the categorical imperative in determining the morality of actions. Fundamental principles include the universal law formulation, which states that one should only act according to maxims that can be consistently willed as universal laws, and the humanity formulation, which requires treating others as ends in themselves and not merely as means. Kant's theory evaluates moral good and evil based on adherence to these principles rather than the

  • Immanuel Kant Categorical Imperative

    837 Words  | 4 Pages

    In this paper, I will investigate one of Immanuel Kant’s formulations of the categorical imperative – the humanities as ends formulation. In his work, Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, he states that the function of reason is to generate a will that is “good in itself”, as opposed to good for other purposes (Marino 194). Kant mentions that reason’s demands could be called “imperatives”. He defines two types of imperatives – the hypothetical imperative and the categorical imperative

  • Ketoconazole Loaded Proliposomes Lab Report

    1072 Words  | 5 Pages

    Preparation of ketoconazole loaded Proliposomes Ketoconazole (KTZ) loaded proliposomal gel formulations were formulated by method reported by Perret et al. 1991 with slight modification. Constant amount of drug was added to varying ratios of phophatidylcholine and cholesterol which constitute lipid component of 1mmol quantity. This lipid mixture was prepared in clean and dry, wide mouthed glass vials to which 400µL of absolute alcohol was added and after confirming the formation of homogenous dispersion

  • Groundwork Of The Metaphysic Of Morals By Immanul Kant

    987 Words  | 4 Pages

    In 1785, Immanuel Kant wrote the “Groundwork of the metaphysic of morals”, where he laid out his theory of deontology. [1] In this paper I will list his three main formulations of the categorical imperative and give an explanation of them. Answer the question, how adequately does these formulations put forth as a statement of what morality requires of us. I will go further to answer the next question, which is what is the meaning of the distinction between treating human beings as means and as ends