
The DSM-5 And Prior Versions Of The Cultural Formulation

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A patient 's social, religious conviction, and cultural beliefs can have a vital effect in the outcome of their mental health and understanding in how to approach them in regards to their treatment plan. Cultural differences impact wellbeing related outcomes constantly. For example, I have seen many times in the ER a Jehovah 's Witness patient refuse blood transfusions and that drastically effects their treatment plan and can have a negative impact on their life and can even cause death. A heart patient with no understanding of nutrition and its impact in health may not think that a change in diet and lifestyle would be helpful, and thus they would not end up being compliant in their treatment.
Beliefs effect how and where they will seek …show more content…

The DSM-5 and prior versions are strongly biased toward a Western view of what is acceptable behavior. Some criteria considered as mental illness could, in fact, be considered normal in another culture. (Varcarolis, 102016, p. 15)
The Cultural Formulation Model is a very much perceived tool to use to give an inside and out investigation of the patient 's issues with regards to culture. The model has five classes: social personality of the individual, social clarification of the individual 's disease, social variables identified with psy­chosocial environment and levels of working, and social components of the relationship between the individual and the clinician. This assessment tool gives a general social evaluation to advance socially capable determination and care (Jarvis, pg.24).
It is important when making a psychiatric diagnosis to be aware of the cultural implications and what is considered normal so that culturally unsanctioned behaviors can be differentiated. This is especially true when a clinician is making a diagnosis of personality disorder. However, it appears that certain groups of the population are at a greater risk than others for certain PDs. In general, other risk factors include being Native American or African American, being a young adult, having low socioeconomic status, and being divorced, separated,

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