Hydrogen Essays

  • The Pros And Cons Of Hydrogen Bonds

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    negative poles by what amounts to static electricity. This electrostatic attraction is termed a hydrogen bond. It is about 20 times weaker than the H – O bonds within any one water molecule, but still gives rise to considerable, transient adhesion, which packs the water molecules closely together in the liquid state. In contrast, as the temperature falls below about 4 ° C and ice begins to form, the hydrogen bonds between the molecules become longer lived. They eventually settle into a rigid, rather

  • Hydrogen Chloride Lab Report

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    Hydrogen chloride has a very powerful smell. It is in the form of a gas but only when it is at room temperature which is approximately 25 Celsius and when the pressure is high. When you add water to hydrogen chloride then it breaks down into small pieces which are known as dissolving. The solubility of hydrogen chloride is very high this means that it can dissolve in water quickly because it dissolves many times in its own solution (the gas form of hydrogen chloride). It is very soluble because

  • Hydrogen Peroxide Investigation

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    catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide Research question: How will varying the concentration of hydrogen peroxide affect the rate of reaction measured by collecting the amount of oxygen produced figure 1 shows how catalyst provide alternate pathways Background: For my internal assessment I will be investigating the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using manganese(IV)oxide( MnO2 ) as a catalyst. I will be testing how varying concentrations of hydrogen peroxide will affect its

  • Covalent Bonds: Hydrogen Sulfide

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    Hydrogen Sulfide undergoes covalent bonding – where two or more non-metal atoms are held together by one or more shared pairs of valence electrons. The atoms forming a covalent bond must have a relatively equal attraction for electrons (electronegativity). Hydrogen has an electronegativity of 2.2 and sulfur of 2.58. Covalent bonds tend to also have low melting and boiling points due to weak intermolecular forces which break down quite easily (BBC, 2014). Substances that are bonded covalently are

  • Quantum Physics: Energy Levels Of Hydrogen Atoms

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    Name University Course Instructor Date Quantum Physics Exam 3 Problem1. Hydrogen Essentials PART A: Make a plot of the energy levels of the hydrogen atom. Plot the energy values En in the vertical direction for n = 1, 2,3,4,5. Plot the orbital angular momentum quantum number in the horizontal direction for l = 0,1,2,3,4. For each n, show every allowed value of l. Label every energy level spectroscopically (1s, 2s, 2p, ...). Indicate the m degeneracy of each l level. Show that the total degeneracy

  • Stoichiometry Of Baking Soda And Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

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    study of the amounts of substances that are involved in reactions. For this experiment kinetics is a huge part of it. Kinetics is explained as the reaction speed and or rate of reaction. To observe these reactions made by having reactants, sodium hydrogen carbonate, NaHCO3 known as baking soda and acetic acid, CH3COOH that is vinegar being mixed together. The products were carbon dioxide, water, and sodium acetate. Because this reaction will be based on its speed according to the difference in temperature

  • Exploring Issues In Electrochemistry: Lithium Or Hydrogen

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    Exploring Issues in Electrochemistry: Lithium or Hydrogen? Unit 5: Electrochemistry SCH4U Yasmin Hashi May 14, 2018 Exploring Issues in Electrochemistry: Lithium or Hydrogen? Gasoline powered vehicles outnumber the amount of cars that are alternative powered. The combustion of fossil fuels like gasoline is considered a major source of air pollution and a contributor of climate change. Gasoline is an extremely flammable and very toxic liquid. This causes automotive experts to think that gasoline-powered

  • Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition Lab Report

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    The purpose of this experiment was to analyze the rate of the catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in regard to the effects of concentration and temperature. 2H2O2 (l) —I-—> 2H2O (l) + O2 (g) In part one of the experiment, catalyst KI was added to varying solutions of 3% hydrogen peroxide and DI water and the composition of hydrogen peroxide was observed. This was observed by collection the volume of oxygen gas produced during the decomposition, and measuring its volume. From that, volume

  • Hydrogen Peroxide Catalase Reaction Lab

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    examine the effects of Hydrogen Peroxide coming into contact with a catalase solution, in this experiment it was Calf Liver. As a result of the contact, oxygen gas was formed. Therefore, the collected data suggested the rate of reaction of the catalyse increases as the volume of Hydrogen Peroxide increases. This can be seen through the linear trend line that moves up in a positive direction, which shows that the relationship between the rate of reaction and the volume of hydrogen peroxide is positive

  • Hydrogen Fuel Economy

    2031 Words  | 9 Pages

    The environmental impact of a hydrogen powered economy The Production of hydrogen, how is it actually made?........ There are a number of ways that are used to generate hydrogen production, currently the main method is steam reforming from hydrocarbons such as natural gas. However is Hydrogen fuel efficient enough to replace fossil fuels in the future? Since the introduction of Hydrogen fuel to the world, scientists have been trying to improve this concept in many ways. A lot of support has been

  • Essay On Hydrogen Storage

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    renewable fuel. Hydrogen address the issue of sustainability, environmental emissions like releasing of greenhouse gases in our environment and energy security. Hydrogen is consider most suitable element to replace fossils fuels because it the only element which is found in the abundance in the universe and it burns clean without releasing any greenhouse effect and it is only producing water and has the highest density per unit mass. However, as like FOSSILS FUELS hydrogen is not a

  • Chemical Reaction Essay

    856 Words  | 4 Pages

    If you conduct the catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in a closed vessel, you will be able to determine the reaction rate as a function of the pressure increase in the vessel that is caused by the production of oxygen gas. If you vary the initial molar concentration of the H2O2 solution, the

  • Electrolysis In Chemistry Ia

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    The dependent variable is the rate of decomposition of water which is measured by the volume of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas in cm3 The independent variable is the voltage here as I increase it from 9-14 Room temperature was 24 rtp and I carried out the whole experiment in the same room. If the temperature increases the rate of electrolysis will increase

  • Ionic Bonding Research Paper

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    Many of the substances that exist in the universe are a result of chemical reactions involving bonding. Ionic, Covalent and Hydrogen bonding are essential to the formation of the world that we know today. The first type of bond involves the transfer of electrons from one atom to the next. This type of bond is known as Ionic bond and occurs between a metal and a nonmetal atom. These bonds are typically stronger than covalent bonds and involve atoms that have a large difference in their electronegativity

  • Which Chemical Is The Sanitizer For A Hot Tub Or Pool

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    Hydrogen peroxide is often used in homes as a disinfectant for small wounds or for other cleaning purposes. It can be bought in concentration as high as 35% which is great for long term use. To use hydrogen peroxide you only need one ounce of 35% hydrogen peroxide per 100 gallons of water for every day you use the hot tub. Biguanides or PHMB which is short for Polyhexamethylene

  • Pros And Cons Of Hydrogen Bombs

    590 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hydrogen bombs are more than 1000 times more powerful than the very common atomic bomb. The explosion is from nuclear fusion which is when hydrogen nuclei (plural of nucleus) are joined to form helium nuclei, releasing great destructive energy and radioactive fallout. When the nuclei combine there is a split second where there is nothing and then there is the explosion. An atomic bomb is the trigger or the smaller bomb of what sets off the hydrogen bomb. We have to be careful with the hydrogen bomb

  • Catalase Reaction Paper

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    reaction rate between catalase and H2O2 Figure 1 shows that the optimum temperature for catalase to catalyze hydrogen peroxide is around room temperature (30℃) as it has a very fast reaction rate (5). The overall trend is that temperatures that differ from 30℃, will decrease the reaction rate. Discussion This experiment supported the hypothesis, since catalase was the most effective with hydrogen peroxide when it was in an environment with a temperature of 30℃. It was expected that an extreme temperature

  • Carbonylcyclohexanone Lab Report

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    determined. For the trans-product the Newman projection exhibited a dihedral angle of 60˚ between H1 and H2, while H1 and H2’ exhibited a dihedral angle of 180˚. The H1 single was therefore split into a triplet of triplets by two different groups of hydrogens. https://www.odinity.com/hydride-reduction-reactions-stereoselective-adventure/ Trans C1-C2 Trans

  • Hydrogen Bomb Research Paper

    624 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Hydrogen Bomb has the power to take out an entire nation. The Hydrogen Bomb uses the process of nuclear fusion. This means that instead of splitting an atom with a large nucleus, it fuses together (wiki.answers). This creates a very large amount of heat and radiation. Hydrogen isotopes must be fused together with very high temperatures and pressure which fuses them into helium. For a fusing to occur in a fission reaction must take place. The fission reaction has to take place before the fusion

  • Chemistry: Covalent Bonding

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    atoms. The noble gases are monatomic; they consist of single atoms, however, not all elements are monatomic. For example a key component of the liquid you drink is water, H2O. As you might guess from the chemical formula, H2O represents two atoms of hydrogen in a molecule of water. There’s another atom of oxygen, but the number one is omitted from a chemical formula. “For example, water (H2O) is a liquid at room temperature. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are both gases at room temperature