Learn and Serve America Essays

  • Persuasive Essay On Mandatory Service

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    The United States of America should require all able-bodied citizens to serve for one year or more in the armed forces because this requirement will produce strong nationalism, will teach duty, and will help people learn a skill. People may oppose mandatory service because it will hinder a volunteering spirit, will diminish the freedom of choice, and will put unwilling and unfit people into combat; but many countries have mandatory service laws that do not create these issues. For example, the Israeli

  • Mandatory Volunteering In High Schools

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    The Need to Serve Sharon started volunteering when she was 16 years old with her church group to the Ronald McDonald House. She finally was able to understand the meaning of doing something for others that day. She has volunteered there ever since. Sharon helped care for a man who was in a terrible car accident and still keeps in touch with him. She helped him through stories, laughter, compassion, and companionship. Sharon said, “Nothing brightens my day more than to be able to make someone who’s

  • My Responsibility To America Essay

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    My Responsibility to America In America, we are given freedoms and our basic human rights. To make sure these freedoms such as free speech are kept, we as Americans have responsibilities to America. Whether it be in our everyday lives serving in our community or special occasions when serving on a jury, Americans are held to these responsibilities to keep the United States to the standard that it always is. Our basic responsibilities are to pay taxes and vote in elections, however, they extend far

  • My Responsibilities To America Essay

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    What are your responsibilities to America? Some people say their responsibility is to serve in the army, while others say that paying their taxes and serving jury duty when it comes up is enough to uphold their responsibility. Of many of the responsibilities we, American citizens, have, some of the most important are free speech to speak our opinions, educating ourselves in core classes, and voting, as it allows us to shape America in an image we want. The first of few are free speech. Given this

  • Personal Narrative: My Vision For America

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    When I first heard of the prompt, “My Vision for America is…” I instantly thought how can I put this towards the community to get their vision out there as well. While rationalizing about how I wanted to portray my dream, I couldn’t help but think about the people who serve and have served in our country and what they think America should be like for future generations. Although the citizens of the United States of America, including myself and other students, have a huge impact on our future, the

  • Tony Kushner's Angles In America

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    In Angles in America: Millennium Approaches, Tony Kushner discusses the collaboration between the four protagonists and reveals how their cooperation is used as an external form of movement, towards their internal determination. Louis and Joe abandon their partners and then repent, and Prior and Harper who are abandon, learn to asset themselves. In the play, it can be seen that the characters can find resolution only if they interact with each other, and move forward together. The play is meant to

  • Essay On Banning Books

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    book has to say. Public places should not be allowed to ban certain books in America, because they are essential to growing up and maturing, and enhance the reader’s imagination and thought process. Banning books should be illegal in America because books are a vital part of maturing and growing up. In the article High School Reading Lists: Pros and Cons of Controversial Books, by Grace Chen, it states, “the books serve as a scaffold to slowly guide students to build upon more complicated ideas and

  • Importance Of My Responsibility To America Essay

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    actually means to them. It could mean that you clean your house every week or work to support your family. But what is my responsibility to America? I believe that I need to ask myself, what can I do to help make America stronger? I believe that my basic responsibility to my country is to help make America strong. It’s 2016, going on 2017, so respecting America is much different than any time in the history. Most of us have phones or some form of electronic device distracting us from the real world

  • What Were The Causes Of The Suburban Boom In The 1950's

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    America in the 1950s was growing in military power and the economy was becoming more and more prosperous. The civil rights movement was just beginning. Also happening in the 1950s was the baby boom, where there was more than twenty-four million young children in America. The baby boom caused the suburban boom. There was a high need for more homes, so people began to buy land outside of cities. These houses had a lot of land and open area, which was perfect for families. The high In 1950, The Korean

  • On The Road And The American Dream

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    appraising following, the message of Kerouac’s most famous book may not only reflect on the fast-paced lives of the Beat Generation during that time period but also on the state of America and the toll that their lives have taken on the American Dream (Vopat 1). On the Road, as a story of Kerouac’s personal tales, serves to reiterate a familiar story of a pair of boys going against the current and striking it out on their own with the Beatific message that the American Dream, that had once been “innocent

  • Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

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    right just as humans. If bring up the penalty for animal abuse will people learn? Would it teach them not to harm them? America always speaks about how important animals are, but then there are people who are always saying that animals are just walking meat. But the law on animal cruelty is not much of a punishment to scare someone or make them think twice about what to do. But if they bring up the punishment will they learn? Would be punished teach them a lesson because paying a certain amount of

  • How Is To Kill A Mockingbird Relevant Today

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    Scout's experiences, the novel explores themes of justice, morality, and empathy, and offers a powerful critique of the injustices that persist in American society. In this essay, I will argue that To Kill a Mockingbird is still relevant in today's America, as it offers a powerful perspective on issues such as police brutality, political corruption,

  • Why I Value Veterans Essay

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    Dear Valued veterans/protesters, thank you for the amazing gift that you have brought America. I think that the freedom and qualities really isn’t appreciated enough that you veterans have brought our country. A soldier is a skilled warrior who is willing to serve for their country. There are lots of things that the veterans brought to America, the biggest one is freedom, another one is to vote. I think people should value the veterans a little more. Some of the veterans around the 1800’s fought

  • Persuasive Essay On Donald Trump

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    better. He has influences that have pushed him and lead him to run for president. Donald has barriers that lead to his success. Donald Trump has beliefs, influences, and barriers to overcome. Donald trump has many beliefs that he thinks will change America. He believes that if he builds a “Great” great wall between the U.S. and Mexico that no people that was not born in U.S will come to our country (Lussenhop, Jessica). Donald Trump tweeted “We need energy and passion, but we must treat each other

  • The National Future Farmers Of Agricultural Education In High Schools Across America

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    can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” -William Arthur Ward. The National Future Farmers of America Organization is something I can honestly say has impacted my life immensely. I have developed many skills such as a strong work ethic, impressive time management abilities, problem-solving skills, and the ability to accept and learn from criticism, which will mold me into the best I can be as an individual. In a world so troubled and disjointed, these characteristics

  • Point Of View In Amy Tan's A Pair Of Tickets

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    Point of view, as chosen by the author, is the position in which things are considered. Point of view affects the way in which the story is perceived by the reader. The perspective the author uses ultimately sets a mood for the story and can offer an alternative tone. Amy Tan eloquently produces an emotional story through the first person point of view of Jing-mei, the protagonist in “A Pair of Tickets.” Tan uses Jing-mei to describe the feelings and observations present in the story. The application

  • Condoleeza Rice Essay

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    herself with people that have earned her trust and individuals that she absolutely knows will succeed. She has made friends everywhere she served, building relationships with her subordinates, yet unafraid to hold them accountable. According to Advise America Magazine, during her early years when she became a provost, “she had learned that delegating is not easy for a leader”. The article states “as a delegative leader, you need to make tough decisions, and most of those decisions are against your will

  • James Baldwin's If Black Isn T A Language

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    These indigenous people start adopting the English language since “American never had any interest in educating black people, except as this could serve white purposes” (Baldwin, second to last paragraph, first sentence.) , and just like any foreigner who learns a language, they speak it in a way that, through society’s eyes, is not correct. Hence James Baldwin’s If Black Isn’t a Language, then tell me, What Is? essay that illustrates that ignorance is not always bliss, but that “a country that makes

  • Creation And Reality In Frederick Douglass's Representation Of Self

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    Romanticism. Romanticism is a movement that reflects the power of the individual and emphasizes the role of emotion and passion in a person’s life. The Romantic ideas of passion and purpose have been woven into the very fabric of American culture. America was founded on the principles of opportunity and self-reliance because the Founding Fathers believed every person has the inherent right to be free to think, make choices, and pursue dreams of their own preference. A person whose life story compellingly

  • College Essay On Homeless Veterans

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    streets after coming home from combat. and a problem like this should not be occurring. There are close to 50,000 homeless veterans here in America. This is due to the lack of support networks for returning veterans and also the substandard pension veterans receive. There have been efforts to combat this problem but it is still a large problem all across America. Something needs to be done to really help these veterans and get them back on their feet. If I had one year to organize a volunteer project