Parthenon Essays

  • Acropolis In Ancient Greece

    749 Words  | 3 Pages

    Acropolis signifies 'high city' in Greek language. Most city-states in old Greece had at their middle a rough hill or slope where they fabricated their critical sanctuaries and where the general population could withdraw to if under assault. The most celebrated acropolis is the one in Athens. (Anon., 2015)

  • Ancient Temple On The Acropolis At Athens Summary

    722 Words  | 3 Pages

    Studies have inspired an endless amount of questions, theories, solutions, all the while creating more questions. Archeologist study remains with a goal to better understand the past and to improve the future with education. Scholars are able to produce multiple interpretations of the purpose of creation using the remains of structures, literature and estelle dating. Specifically, in the article “The Ancient Temple on the Acropolis at Athens” by Gloria Ferrari encompasses various theories regarding the function and reconstruction of the ancient temple of Athena. Dinsmoor believed the structure was built to “resist intrusions that would threaten their very foundation” For instance, Dismoor supported his argument by drawing attention to the repair work on the foundation that happened after the Persian sack.

  • The Influence Of Greek Architecture

    719 Words  | 3 Pages

    As stated about Greek Architecture from your reading this week: “The formulas they invented as early as sixth century B.C. have influenced the architecture of the past two millennia”. Why do you think the architect(s) choose to copy the classical style? What kind of messages does the style convey? How is the building’s function (use) suited to the classical style?

  • Greek Architecture: The Temple Of Zeus And The Parthenon

    752 Words  | 4 Pages

    Greece is well known for its works of architecture such as the Temple of Zeus and the Parthenon. Trade brought an influx of new and reimagined design to the front doors of Greece. Older works of architecture where made of wood and mud-brick. These didn’t seem to be a permanent structure more like a base for future references. As time progressed so did the architecture, more building, temples, and homes sprouted across Greece and became more permanent.

  • Aphrodite Greek Analysis

    732 Words  | 3 Pages

    UXT Task 2 Austin Olooaringo (ID# 000556089) Western Governors University Work: Alexandros of Antioch, Venus de Milo, c. 130−100 BC Period: classical Period A1. Initial Thoughts My initial thought was the display of feminine beauty and grace as seen from an artist perspective dating back in time. The goddess Aphrodite is a sculptural elegance that has continued to fascinate the art world and remains relevant from the time of its discovery on the island of Melos around 1820. Her posture and demeanor reflect confidence of her personality and womanhood.

  • Keuros In Greek Art

    501 Words  | 3 Pages

    Summarize the features that distinguish the kouros and the kore, citing the development in clothing worn by korai. During the Olympics Greek athletes performed nude; with male athletes representing strength and conditioning. With the domination of the Greeks during the Olympics the male body became a well celebrated sculpture called Kouros, meaning “young man”. Kouros could be found in cemeteries and sanctuaries as offerings to the Gods, or as grave markers.

  • Peplos In Greek Art

    736 Words  | 3 Pages

    This statue was originally called as goddess because she was wearing a peplos, which is have four different peplos and one of that peplos which is only worn by goddess. And that’s why Peplos Kore also called as Goddess Athena. Now her left hand broken because knocked down by the Persians when they sacked Acropolis in 480 BCE together with calf bearer. Kore in Ionian Dress was a fashionable woman. This woman wearing light linen Ionian chiton drees in curved, asymmetrical lines formed by the folds of drapes greatly relieves the strict frontality and verticality of the kore.

  • Architecture In Ancient Greek Architecture

    1004 Words  | 5 Pages

    In ancient Greek their architectural style which stands to represent for order, beauty and democracy. This ultimately shows their power. You can find example sin their society that helps represent that such as structures, such as temples, theatres, and stadia, which would become staple features of towns and cities, not in just in their time but also ours. Religion also played a role in their architecture, it was present in all areas of life because they believed that it would make their lives better while they were living and once they died. The ancient Greeks believed in many different gods and goddesses.

  • Greek Myth And The Warrior: An Archetype Analysis Of Hercules

    533 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hercules Greek Archetype analysis What qualities do heroes possess? Today, many people think of heroes as people who have superhuman abilities such as flying, laser beams for eyes, and other out of the ordinary things. Hercules doesn’t usually come to mind when people think of the word “hero”. There are many differences in the way Hercules is portrayed in both the myth and the movie produced by Disney. Although the myth and animation may not be exactly the same, they both portray Hercules as a certain heroic archetype.

  • Antigone Vs Creon

    714 Words  | 3 Pages

    Boom! It shocked her, her own brother has died why “why would this happen to me, she repeated to herself. Antigone begins with the two sons of Oedipus, Eteocles and Polyneices, who are fighting for the kingship of Thebes. Both men die in the battle. Their successor, Creon, decides that King Eteocles will be buried, but Polyneices, because he was leading a foreign army, will be left on the field of battle.

  • Exekias In Ancient Greek Art

    1316 Words  | 6 Pages

    Athens, Greece was a center piece of Ancient Greek artwork, their painted vessels became popular throughout history. Exekias and the Aegisthus Painter used the space and techniques available to covey a story, creating a center piece for conversation. In 550BCE the workshop of Exekias in Athens produced a terracotta, black figured amphora with scenes on both sides. The main side feature a scene from the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur.

  • Hera's Role In Ancient Greek Gods

    813 Words  | 4 Pages

    Greek Gods and Goddesses known all through out history have been known for their acts. Although Hera is best known as Queen of the Olympian Gods, she is also known for her jealous acts of destruction and her role of women in society. Hera was the daughter of Rhea and Titans Cronus and was born on the islands of Samos under a willow tree. Her mother, Rhea, was the earth goddess and her father Cronus was king of the titans.

  • Aphrodite: The Greek Adaptation Of The Greek

    153 Words  | 1 Pages

    They adapted to their religious beliefs the 12 gods of Olympus tough they changed their original names Aphrodite became Venus. Apollo remained Apollo Ares became Mars Artemis became Diana Athena became Minerva Demeter became Ceres Hades became Pluto Hephaistos became Vulcan Hera became Juno Hermes became Mercury Hestia became Vesta Persephone became Proserpina Poseidon became Neptune Zeus became Jupiter They adapted their architecture temples made from marble with the classical design The more common are Ionian the Corinthian and the Doric architecture styles they also adapted the Greek theatron , the theatre which is the usual half circle known as Amphitheatre . More important they adapted the Euboea variation of the Greek alphabet that

  • Greek Gods In The Aeneid

    1139 Words  | 5 Pages

    Of all the world mythologies, the folklore of Rome is one of the few that are instantly recognizable. It has described its establishment, background, and heroes. It also explored many of the unknown phenomenons at the time period. Roman mythology has played a significant role in the nation’s history and traditions, popular culture, literature, morals, and scientific beliefs. Roman mythology served as a major part of the Roman people’s daily lives.

  • Diverse Types Of Art: The Art Of Ancient Greek Art

    829 Words  | 4 Pages

    Student’s name Instructor’s name Course Date Ancient Greek Student’s name Instructor’s name Course Date Ancient Greek The art of Ancient Greek has always been recognizable for its distinctive features such as attention to details and precise depiction of a human body.

  • The Ancient Greek Civilization

    903 Words  | 4 Pages

    Greek Civilization Name of Author Name of Institution Greek Civilization The Greek archaic period, according to Lloyd, (c. 800- 479 BCE) started from what can only be termed indistinctness, and ended with the Persians being evicted from Greece for good after the battles of Plataea and Mykale in 479 BCE (2012). This period is then preceded by the Greek Dark Age (c.1100- 750 BCE), which is then followed by the Classical Period (c. 510- 323 BCE), with a documented period of Greek history, with misfortunes, amusements, antiquities, lawful cases and more surviving in the form of mythical and epigraphic sources. These periods gradually resulted in civilization of Greece as there were many evolutions and developments.

  • Greek Religion In The Iliad

    219 Words  | 1 Pages

    The Iliad, written by the legendary Greek poet, Homer, is set during the ten-year Trojan War. The war was fought by the Trojans and the Achaeans (Greeks), taking root from a dispute over Helen, the wife of Menelaus, kidnapped by Paris of Troy. The kidnapping of Helen sparked outrage in the Achaean theater, causing multitudes of kingdoms to send their ships and best men, such that of the famous Achilles, to fight in the war for Helen. Obviously, the Iliad has no shortage of war and violence, often entailing brutal and gruesome battle scenes. So how do the characters deal with this, or justify the actions of the war they are fighting?

  • Panhellenic Development In Ancient Greece

    1395 Words  | 6 Pages

    From the Athenian acropolis to the temples of Thebes, Panhellenism has been prevalent throughout Greece, from the age of heroes to the Ottoman conquest of Greece. Developed naturally, the enduring virtues and ideas acted as a vessel for the ideal western civilization that modern powers accordingly look up to as a template for enlightenment. The basis of Panhellenic development grew from Greek cities’ independence its values derived from it, which can be seen in Homer’s Iliad.