Philosophy of religion Essays

  • Monotheism: Religion And Philosophy

    320 Words  | 2 Pages

    For Religion and Philosophy Monotheism is the assumption in believing a single all-powerful god, as opposing to religions that believe in various gods. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are extensively adept forms of monotheism. Polytheism are the religious rituals or belief in multiple divinity usually massed into a sanctuary of gods and goddesses, along with their own cult and rituals. Pantheism is the belief that the universe is similar with deity, or that everything is composed of an all-enveloping

  • Buddhism Philosophy Or Religion Essay

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    Buddhism: Philosophy or Religion? For many years, Buddhists have lived without even knowing that their own religion is actually a philosophy or a religion. In today’s society, there are still so many arguments and debates going on among people about the matter that Buddhism is a philosophy or a religion as numerous people said that both doesn’t fit neatly into either category. Some people said that Buddhism is a philosophy although, some even said that it is a religion. So, is Buddhism a philosophy or

  • Compare And Contrast Essay On Religion And Philosophies

    476 Words  | 2 Pages

    Have you ever wondered how religion and philosophies affected daily life? Well they affected life a lot and in many different ways. Religions and Philosophies throughout India and China affected the people’s lives that lived there. People that lived here believed in many things and lived the way they wanted to live their life. For example, many people believed in some type of god. Religion and Philosophies like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chinese Philosophies affected daily life in China and India in

  • Semester Essay: Philosophy World Religion

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    Gonzalez Semester essay Philosophy World Religion The practice of Hindu yoga Yoga is an ancient practice that plays a big part in the Hindu religion. This spiritual tradition came from India and is still very prevalent today across the world. The practice of yoga spans across many religions but it is also used in non religious settings. A non religious example would be the popularization of yoga in the United States as a form of exercise. Yoga is a core root of the Hindu religion. They consider yoga

  • Thesis Statement: Origin Of Morality: Religion And Philosophy

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    Practical Reasons C.Evolution of Morality 1.What makes Moral Creatures Moral 2.Explaining the Nature of Moral Judgments F. Answering Questions 1. What is the origin of Morality: Religion or Philosophy? 2. What does religion say about morality? 3. What does Philosophy say about morality? 4. Are they alike? Introduction Morality has long been used by human being as a basis for their actions. Believers of God think that doing good deeds is being moral

  • The Ultimate Sacred Reality Throughout The History Of Philosophy And Religion

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    Reason has played a major role in attempting to understand the Ultimate Sacred Reality throughout the history of philosophy and religion. Many people have conceived of varying roles and limits to reason itself when searching for an understanding of the Ultimate Sacred Reality. While reason is a useful tool for solving problems in the natural world, its usefulness in the abstract battleground of metaphysics is unclear. For thinkers like Thomas Aquinas and Al-Ghazali, reason is the means by which one

  • Max Weber And Modern Asia Analysis

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    Short Paper: Question 5 Max Weber and Modern Asia Bryan Yenata 1001647 CC 01 Dr. Pang Yang Huei HASS - 02.003: Theorising Society, the Self, and Culture Max Weber argues that capitalism exists due to religion, more specifically Protestantism’s branch, Calvinism. This means that Protestantism is extremely important for the development of capitalism. This can be considered as a unique view as the standard view on capitalism is that it exists due to advancement in technology. This paper is going

  • Essay On Why Do God Allow Evil

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    God does not create everything to be perfect. If we would be perfect without sins, flaws, and problems then there would be no God, then we would be totally equal as God, and there would be no one higher and lower than us. There would be sinners, atheist, offenders in His own creation because simply He gave us free will. God allows evil to exist because of the free will. Humans is given their God-given freedom which is the free will, it is the power to make a decision of one individual instead of

  • David Hume's Argument Analysis

    639 Words  | 3 Pages

    How can you best describe the so-called problem of evil? The problem with evil is an argument that is meant to prove that God does not exist or it is more likely than not that God does not exist. Ernest Nagel believes that one of the most important characteristics of atheists is the belief that, “there are no good reason to believe that god exists” (Velasquez, 2014p.260) based on the existence of evil in the world. David Hume’s argument on the problem with evil is that man can only know what he

  • Summary Of A Compensatory Response To The Problem Of Evil Beaty

    921 Words  | 4 Pages

    Beaty, Michael Douglas. “A Compensatory Response to the Problem of Evil: Revisited.” Religions, vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 2023, p. 35. EBSCOhost, Beaty argues that the problem of evil can be solved by appealing to the concept of compensatory providence. He argues that God compensates for the evil that people suffer in this life by giving them rewards in the afterlife. Beaty's argument is based on the idea that God is just and merciful, and that he would not allow

  • Crucifixion: The Paradox Of Omniscience

    2071 Words  | 9 Pages

    the biblical God cannot be omniscient for he cannot for see our actions.” Is it logical for God to know all things? Again, this argument shouldn't be used to prove if there is a God because omniscience is just an attribute of God, and not every religion teaches that their God is omniscience. The idea of free-will is even debated within the Christian circles. For example, Calvinism teaches free-will differently than most people would understand it. To understand the concept of free-will, you have

  • Nagel's Argument Analysis

    1897 Words  | 8 Pages

    IV. The Problem of Evil So far, we have examined only arguments for the existence of God. But for each argument, we have also discussed some objections. Some theists may accept all these objections and yet maintain a belief in the existence of God. Ernest Nagel, however, maintains that not only are there no good reasons to believe that God exists (he criticizes all of the arguments), there is a good reason to believe that God does not exist. On p. 145, he says raises the difficulty ... " ... which

  • Argument For Atheism

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    The philosophy of religion addresses not only the most important question: Is there a god? It also answers the questions of: If so, what is he like? ; What does that mean for us? There are three main sides to this argument. First being theism which states that god does exist. Secondly, there is atheism which states that god does not exist. Lastly, there is agnosticism which states that it’s unclear that god does or does not exist. You would think if you don’t have enough evidence for god’s existence

  • Proving The Success Of Nelson Pike's Argument

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    Timuray Gokdemir (191761510) Dr. Tyler Wunder PP 350R, A 6 March 2023 The Problem of Evil: Proving the Success of Nelson Pike’s Argument In this essay, I will first explore the works of David Hume's Dialogues, specifically Parts X, where the problem of evil raises thorny questions about how God's attributes relate to the reality of suffering and focuses on the venerable problem of evil for theism. Second, I will provide an account of Nelson Pike’s ideas through his essay "Hume on Evil" where he

  • St. Augustine's Essay On The Problem Of Evil

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    The Problem of Evil “Evil has no positive nature but the loss of good has received the name of evil” said St. Augustine.The problem comes from the fact that if there is a deity that is all good, all knowing and all powerful, how can evil exist? The problem of evil (or argument from evil) is the problem of reconciling the existence of the evil in the world with the existence of an omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful) and perfectly good God. The argument from evil is the atheistic argument

  • Mackie Evil And Omnipotence Analysis

    266 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Mackie’s Evil and Omnipotence, Mackie explains that evil is only a problem for those who believe in God. Mackie further says that God being omnipotent and wholly good while evil exists is contradictory. This raises questions about how could a wholly good being exist but also have evil around and why would it exist if God could allow evil to happen. Mackie then goes into explain solutions so that “omnipotence,” “wholly good,” and “evil” stop contradicting each other. Mackie says the only way to

  • Walter Sinnott-Armstrong's Argument Analysis

    2349 Words  | 10 Pages

    This paper will discuss the problem of evil. In the first part, I will discuss Walter Sinnott-Armstrong’s atheist stance and William Lane Craig’s theist stance on the problem of evil. In the final part of this paper, I will argue that Walter Sinnott-Armstrong’s argument is stronger. The Problem of Evil The problem of evil takes into account three defining features of God: all-good, all-knowing, and all-powerful and questions whether such a God would permit evil and not interfere. Sinnott-Armstrong

  • B. C. Johnson's Argument For The Existence Of God

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    Evil and the existence of God has been at the heart of philosophical arguments for years. It seems that evil should cancel out God’s existence. Evil is defined in two ways. One definition is evil as gratuitous suffering. B.C. Johnson uses this in his argument against the existence of a monotheistic God. The second definition is evil is a distortion of a natural good, such as blindness being a disorder of sight. Sight is a good thing, but blindness is a perversion or distortion of it. John Hick uses

  • Classical Free Will Analysis

    575 Words  | 3 Pages

    The strategy of classical free will appeal is to shift responsibility for evil off divine shoulders on to human’s shoulders. An appeal that Marilyn McCord Adams thinks does not work. She states that the appeal to free will to explain the origin of evil fails based on two reasons. The first objection she called the Size Gap. God is the one responsible for the evil in this world since he created the world. If a baby touches a hot stove the infant is the one to blame because it was his initiative to

  • Evil Improves The Existence Of God Essay

    688 Words  | 3 Pages

    Discuss whether the existence of evil disproves the existence of God A major argument used by atheists against the existence of God is the existence of evil in the world. In philosophy evil is viewed in two different ways: moral evil, which is a result of human action, and natural evil, which caused by a fault in the natural world; the consequence of both types of evil is suffering. Due to this God’s presence is questioned by many non believers, because an omnibenevolent God wouldn’t allow suffering