Plutonium Essays

  • Plutonium Dangerous Element

    988 Words  | 4 Pages

    paper, is the basic information of the dangerous element; plutonium (Pu). Plutonium is a very fascinating element on the periodic table. It is fascinating regarding its toxic potency and involvement in weapons. Which is why I am choosing to do a paper on this element, people need to realize both how dangerous it is, what it is, how it came to be, and what it can do. Plutonium is in the transitional metals section of the periodic table. Plutonium has the atomic number 94 and a molar mass of 244, which

  • Plutonium Isotope Analysis

    1415 Words  | 6 Pages

    Plutonium 1. Identifies a radioisotope that could be used as a fuel to produce electricity in Australia Plutonium 239 is a radioactive isotope that is a possible fuel source that could be used to produced electricity in Australia. 2. Describes how the isotope is produced (from raw materials) This element can be found naturally occurring in the earth's crust. Due to its relatively short half-life, it decays before it can be mined, extracted and used. It can also be found in trace amounts within

  • Reaction Paper About Plutonium

    723 Words  | 3 Pages

    My Element villain's name is plutonumous and his main element is plutonium. I decided to pick plutonium out of all the elements of the periodic table because it is known to be the most dangerous element and that's what villains are “dangerous”. My villain looks really generous, brilliant and strong since he is covered with layers of plutonium as well as plutonium in his veins this is done to his advantage because plutonium has a very high melting point so he could go through fire without being hurt

  • How To Reduce Nuclear Waste

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    It is reacted with a low level uranium oxide to produce more fuel. Currently fabrication plants in Europe have produced over 5 tons of new fuel by recycling plutonium waste materials. The reused nuclear waste ends up producing high level nuclear waste. This method of recycling helps reduce the nuclear waste produced by about 30 percent. These methods are both economical and effective in helping reduce nuclear

  • The Trinity Gadget: The First Atomic Bomb

    412 Words  | 2 Pages

    nuclear test of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon was codenamed Trinity, but the atomic device was nicknamed The Gadget. The date of the Trinity test is usually considered to be the beginning of the Atomic Age. The gadget was an implosion-type plutonium device, similar in design to the Fat Man bomb used three weeks later in the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Japan. The term “Gadget” was a laboratory euphemism for the bomb, from which the laboratory’s weapon physics division, “G Division”, took its

  • Compare And Contrast Fission And Nuclear Fusion

    792 Words  | 4 Pages

    In this day and age where energy is one of the greatest factors in world events, it is unsurprising to see nuclear energy, the bridge between fossil fuels and renewable resources, argued for and against so fiercely. Yet under this umbrella term of “nuclear energy” that people enjoy throwing around, there are two wildly different forms of energy. Things that perhaps shouldn’t be lumped together so haphazardly. Those are Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion. In contrast to their similar names, fission

  • Linnea Saukko How To Poison The Earth Analysis

    358 Words  | 2 Pages

    due to the fact that the earth has ways to continuously cleanse itself. The first process suggests that large amounts of lethal substances, such as uranium-238 and plutonium, should be produced and then injected into the earth. We would start by building more nuclear plants to help generate more plutonium. Then we could take the plutonium and begin depositing it into the earth by deep-well injections, shallow-well injections, and burying the toxins. These injections would begin the

  • 1950-1952: The Largest Nuclear Weapon

    982 Words  | 4 Pages

    Stanislaus Ulam was one of the designers who helped improve the H-bomb and made it more powerful. In January 1951, Ulam came up with the idea of placing a hollow tube of uranium or plutonium inside the bomb casing and also used the fission explosive lens assembly (dailykos) . The intense radiation pressures produced by the implosion trigger might, he thought, flood the bomb casing and momentarily produce enough pressure to squeeze the

  • The Negative Effects Of The Atomic Bomb

    871 Words  | 4 Pages

    elicit immediate Japanese surrender, however, and on August 9 Major Charles Sweeney flew another B-29 bomber, Bockscar, from Tinian. Thick clouds over the primary target, the city of Kokura, drove Sweeney to a secondary target, Nagasaki, where the plutonium bomb “Fat

  • The Manhattan Project's Involvement In American History

    1719 Words  | 7 Pages

    [Essay Title] [Begin your INTRODUCTION paragraph here. Include ATTENTION GETTER, BACKGROUND, The Manhattan Project is one of the most significant events in modern American history because it helped end America's involvement in World War II through the creation of the world’s first atomic weapon; it ushered in a new era of fear as countries raced to establish and stockpile weapons of mass destruction; and it developed a new, powerful, but ethically questionable energy source. One

  • Ww2 Informative Speech

    648 Words  | 3 Pages

    I’ll tell you about Fat Man. In the implosion type bomb there is a core of plutonium that is wrapped with thousands of pounds of explosives. Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. It was the second bomb we dropped during the war. The bomb weighed 10,800 pounds and was 10 foot 8 inches long. The fuel was enriched plutonium 239. The core was surrounded with 5,300 pounds of explosives and the core of plutonium was made to be the size of a tennis

  • Manhattan Project Research Paper

    553 Words  | 3 Pages

    their efforts to research the development of the bomb and created plants and factories to work in. Multiple plants were created for three separate processes: electromagnetic, gaseous diffusion, and thermal diffusion. These plants helped to create plutonium and urainium 235, needed to manufacture the atomic

  • Nuclear Weapon: The Manhattan Project

    1062 Words  | 5 Pages

    only be fueled by the uranium isotope, U-235. Little Boy was one of the atomic bombs that were assembled this way and was powered by U-235. Thin Man was also a gun-type bomb, but unlike Little Boy, scientists strived to construct this bomb with a plutonium core (Pu-239), which did not work, so it was never

  • The Manhattan Project Einstein Analysis

    2120 Words  | 9 Pages

    The bombs were starting to come together, in July of 1945 the United States was planning the test of the plutonium bomb named “Trinity”. This test was set to be tested sooner but there were complications with the bomb. It was then rescheduled for the 16th of July and was to be tested at the Alamogordo Bombing Range. This was the largest test the United States

  • American Use Of The Atomic Bomb During Ww2

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    An atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon, which its energy is being hardness from the element of uranium or plutonium. With the smallest amount of matter, it could transform to a huge devastation. It was the first nuclear weapon used during World War II. This resulted in the creation of a secret program called “The Manhattan Project.” The United States developed two atomic bombs during this time. The development led to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Americans use of the atomic bomb was absolutely

  • The Manhattan Project: A Great Moment In US History

    436 Words  | 2 Pages

    evidence. Let's start off with how history is always changing and adapting. The Manhattan Project was dedicated to studying nuclear science. We, the U.S., were able to build the first nuclear bombs. There were two bombs, which used uranium 235 and plutonium 239. Never before had this been done in the history of the world, which I think is a pretty big change. This

  • What Are The Arguments Against Nuclear Fission

    953 Words  | 4 Pages

    Nuclear Fission is a process that was discovered by German scientists, Otto Hahn, and his assistant Fritz Strassman on December 17, 1938. Nuclear Fission is a process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts. This will release free photons and neutrons, and releases a large amount of energy. If this energy is controlled, it can be used for nuclear energy for nuclear power plants. On the contrary, this process can be used uncontrollably in atomic bombs, such as the ones dropped in

  • The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Fission

    354 Words  | 2 Pages

    When the nuclei of Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239 undergo nuclear fission, they produce waste as a by-product, which is known as nuclear waste or “fission fragments”. (Leslie Corrice, 2015) This waste contains radioisotopes, which are radioactive isotopes that have long half-lives. This means that the radioisotopes are able to stay in the atmosphere for hundreds of thousands of years, which is extremely hazardous to the earth’s environment. Very commonly this waste contaminates water and ruins the

  • Trinity Test Essay

    2404 Words  | 10 Pages

    Trinity Test a The Trinity Test was the test of the first atomic bomb ever built, the test was conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico ( From May through June workers began preparing for the testing of the atomic weapon, workers tested the equipment with 100s of tons of normal explosives, and built three observation bunkers were the team was separated between in case of an accident (The Trinity Test). This being the first test of a weapon of its kind created some

  • Little Boy Hiroshima Bombing

    1160 Words  | 5 Pages

    Although the nuclear bomb was completed, it lacked a means to transport it. Thus, a program named Silverplate, was created in order to provide a means of transport. Under the Silverplate program, batches of improved B-29 bombers were produced specifically designed to carry and use atomic ordinance. The B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, which dropped the Little Boy nuclear bomb at Hiroshima was produced under the Silverplate program alongside fifteen other bombers between February and June 1945. The B-29